Finding Peace Amidst Chaos: Embracing Buddhist Loving-Kindness in Times of Global Conflict

    In a world afflicted by war, many of us find ourselves overwhelmed with a profound sense of helplessness. The relentless barrage of harrowing news stories and distressing images can leave us feeling anxious and impotent. While many people are finding physical, concrete ways to contribute support and aid to those in need, some of us feel that there's little we can do to alleviate the suffering of those directly affected. There is however a transformative Buddhist practice that can make a meaningful difference, it's called loving-kindness, or Metta. This ancient tradition not only offers solace to our hearts but also radiates compassion and peace into the world. Loving-kindness, or Metta, is a fundamental practice in Buddhism that involves cultivating an attitude of unconditional love and benevolence towards oneself and all beings. This practice is a deliberate and mindful intention to foster goodwill and kindness. Anyone, regardless of religious affiliation, can adopt this practice as a beacon of hope and positivity in troubled times. To begin, follow these steps:   Cultivating loving-kindness deepens your compassion for others, inspiring actions that promote peace and support for those in need. This compassionate outlook can drive meaningful change in your life, your family and even your community and beyond. When embraced by individuals around the world, the practice of loving-kindness can create a powerful ripple effect, with

Letting Go

Beautiful releasing rituals that will help you let go and move forward. Letting go is challenging, and sometimes you have to do it again and again and again until it sticks. The cue here is to be gentle with oneself. It is as true for letting go as it is for any type of change. What you resist persists. The key to letting go is embracing acceptance. There cannot be release unless you accept. And just like acceptance, letting go is a practice. Consciously deciding and repeatedly acting is the way. Personally, I  practice acceptance and letting go the same way I practice yoga: Several times a week, with intention and purpose. Bravely, humbly and gently. Truly.In addition to faithfully committing to let go in my mind, repeatedly, every time I fall back into old ways – I am working on opening myself up both energetically and emotionally. The way I let go is active and spiritual, symbolic and visual. It helps me make the intangible clear and definite. And in this, I am connecting with my power. Releasing Rituals There are as many ways of letting go as there are people. But one thing is universal, and that is the need to find meaning in the chaos. One way of making the process easier to relate to is to do a releasing ritual. Here

Love Spells

Do you want to attract new love into your life, rekindle a relationship or bring back an ex? If so, then these Love Spells are for you. If you believe in love and in the power of sending out a strong, positive intention in order to get what you want, read on, this is for you... Here are three simple, effective love spells that work. To cast these successfully you need to believe in what you are doing, your ability to make this happen, and your firm commitment to achieving your outcome. Magic is the ability to manifest (make real) ones will (desired outcome); to achieve a specific desired outcome. In this case, the outcome desired is the creation of passionate desire, or to create desire and love in another. Here are three love spells to choose from: Bring New Love into my Life - Bring a real and true love into your life. Return my Ex to Me - Rekindle the love of your Ex and cause him/her to return to me Love and Passion - A spell with dual purpose, this is for causing passion and desire within a specific individual. It can be used for someone who you are in a relationship with, and it can also be used for someone whom you wish to be attracted to and desirous of you. It

Cleanse, Sage, Protect! 7 Tips for Psychic Protection

Psychic Protection – Everyone wants it, everyone needs it! And it's as easy as cleanse, sage, protect!! Here are seven steps to ensure you are safe from psychic attack and resistant to the negative energies that you encounter during your day. This is not hard, or complex, everyone can do it and benefit from at least a few of these steps. This is about using your focus and your will (power) to create the desired outcome. That outcome is protection from the energy of others, to retain a stable and clear aura, and minimize all forms of anxiety and stress. You’ll be able to do all of these without any prior knowledge. So give it a try – you’ve got nothing to lose and a wonderful sense of energy and clarity to attain … SMUDGE AND PURIFY Smudging refers to a process of burning herbs to purify or cleanse unwanted forces, and/or negative energy. This is a relatively simple process, whereby you waft ‘smoke’ into the areas that you wish to cleanse. If you are performing a cleanse for yourself or another person, or an object you will need them to pass through the smoke. This process is a magical one… not a physical one. You do not need billowing smoke, and you do not need to feel choked up or suffocated. You are performing


Absolute Teachings - the nature of mind, thoughts, and emotions Whatever arises in the mind is fresh; the essence of realization. When you are in the throws of shenpa how to realize its emptiness nature, its freshness, its openness. like labelling thinking is an absolute instruction in away- it's like pointing out that it's just ineffable, it's just words that aren't even being spoken, but we hear it, and it's very convincing but just thoughts, just like touching a bubble with a feather, or clouds in the sky. when you are in the throws of the shenpa Tonglen is Tibetan for 'giving and taking' (or sending and receiving) and refers to a meditation practice found in Tibetan Buddhism. In particular, to care about other people who are fearful, angry, jealous, overpowered by addictions of all kinds, arrogant, proud, miserly, selfish, mean—you name it—to have compassion and to care for these people, means not to run from the pain of finding these things in ourselves. In fact, one’s whole attitude toward pain can change. Instead of fending it off and hiding from it, one could open one’s heart and allow oneself to feel that pain, feel it as something that will soften and purify us and make us far more loving and kind. The tonglen practice is a method for connecting with suffering—ours and that which

White Light Healing; Tapping Into Universal Energy

Here is Melanie Tonia Evans' white light healing visualization technique (© 2005) for self-healing in its entirety: Lie down, and have your eyes closed, and feel relaxed. Do some deep slow breathing until you feel that you are in a peaceful state. Meditation music, candles, and incense, or the smell of oils can be very helpful. It is imperative that this time is free of distractions. I often advise people to do this early in the morning whilst lying in the sanctuary of their bedroom, or late at night when the house is quiet. Make sure the phone is off. Imagine an enormous light over the top of you (like a large billiard table light), make sure in your visualization that the light is longer and wider than you are, and that it is about two feet above you. In your mind's eye switch on the white light healing light capacity of the light, and “feel” a powerful warmth and “see” a blinding white light coming out of the light. Feel the sensation of the light on you. Know that this light represents Universal Healing and that there is no greater power of “perfection”, and that no earthly disease is immune to such power and perfection. Feel the light enter your body, and know that it energises your killer T Cells into action. “See” and

Emotional Healing – Letting Go Of Negative Feelings

We have all experienced loss, heartache, and sorrow. Nobody wants to go through emotional pain, but it is an inevitable human experience. As the Buddha taught, we are each given ten thousand joys and ten thousand sorrows. The challenge lies in not getting mired in either the joy or the pain, keeping our hearts open and soft instead of closed and constricted. If we hold on to the hurts and wounds of the past, we start to accumulate emotional baggage—the dead weight of old experiences. Freeing yourself from this emotional baggage is crucial because dwelling on the past prevents you from participating in the present, which is the only place in which you can experience love, happiness, fulfillment, and miracles. Many people are hesitant to approach their inner pain and afraid to open old wounds. Yet it isn’t necessary to charge into a minefield, and you don’t have to brace yourself for a second round of hurt. By following the seven steps to emotional freedom, the healing process can unfold naturally, and when it does, you will experience relief and a surge of wellbeing Take your time with each step, and don’t move on until you feel satisfied that the current step is working for you. For most people, it helps to have someone else join you in the exercise. Their presence provides reassurance that you

Who Should Learn Reiki? What Is It and How Does It Help You

Although it's not a new healing technique, Reiki has started gaining more and more popularity in recent years. There are good reasons for this, too. Before we get into the health benefits, let's go over what Reiki is and who should learn Reiki. The Practice of Reiki The technique originates from Japan. Its name is composed of two Japanese words. Rei means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki is "life force energy." Reiki follows the idea that we all have "life force" in us and that we can guide it to others. People with more life force are more likely to be happy and healthy while those with less are more prone to illness. When someone gives you Reiki, they are using their hand to channel life force into your body. It feels like a powerful energy starts coursing through you, with revigorating effects. The technique works in conjunction with all therapeutic techniques or medical remedies. It limits the adverse effects of an illness and speeds up recovery. Who Should Learn Reiki The practice of Reiki doesn't have anything to do with intellectual or spiritual development. In other words, anyone can practice it, from kids to the elderly. Learning Reiki can take as little as ten hours. You don't have to study anything either. You visit a Reiki master who can show you

Want To Get Reiki Candles? 5 Qualities You Should Look For

If you're not familiar with Reiki, you should know it is the energy present in and around all living creatures and their surroundings. It is the driving force behind great accomplishments. Your state of mind is directly linked to your Reiki levels. Are you feeling stressed and tired all the time? Reiki healing might help you. But to start a healing session, you will need some quality Reiki candles. If you want the best results from your therapy, not just any candles will do. After all, your emotional well-being and clarity of mind deserve only the best. Here are the five qualities you should look for if you want results. 1. The Wax Should Be Clean Reiki candles are chosen for their healing properties. If the wax in the candles contains harmful substances (such as lead), that can ruin the whole process. After all, the whole purpose of the candles is to get you closer to a natural experience. Get some candles made out of soy wax with various botanical oils to complement it. You can find many exotic blends on the market today. 2. The Dyes Should Be Natural As long as you've chosen wax with natural ingredients, you should choose the dyes based on the same reasoning. The problem is that some artificial dyes contain harmful additives. The natural ones are less likely

3 Ways You Can Easily Start Channelling Positive Energy

Channelling positive energy can be good for your health and relationships. If you've been feeling tired or down lately, you need more positivity in your life. People will start noticing the difference, and it will only work out in your favour. Most of us are reserved about approaching individuals who give out negative vibes. Here's where you should start in your pursuit of happiness. 3 Ways You Can Easily Start Channelling Positive Energy 1. Work on Yourself Channelling positive energy cannot start from anyone else but you. You can't ask your favourite aunt to lend you some of her confidence. When you're feeling depressed, it can be hard to muster up the energy to do anything. But start slowly; start by doing the following: • Make a list of things you enjoy(ed) doing. Projecting enjoyable things in your mind will give you that extra boost of positivity. • Set aside an hour or two a day to do the things you enjoy. Cross them off your list as you're progressing. It will give you a sense of accomplishment. • Create something new. Start writing down your thoughts in a diary. Sing a song you wouldn't be caught singing. Get some painting supplies and try to express what's been bothering you on canvas. • Open yourself up to new experiences. Often, the only reason we're feeling down

Candle Spells

Anger or another negative emotion inside eating you up?  Burn it up! What you need:  Candle,  Paper, Pencil & Fire-Proof Container What to do:  Relax as much as you can.  Light the candle and place it on a table.  Put the heat proof container nearby.  It should be large enough to hold a piece of burning paper.  Sit at the table and take the piece of paper and pencil in your hand and write a letter about how your feeling.  Write about why you are feeling that way.  Pour all your heart and soul into writing this.  Be very specific and focus on the feeling while you are writing this letter.  If someone/something caused you to feel this way, you may start it out with Dear So-and-So if you so wish.  After you  have completed the letter (it can be longer then 1 piece of paper) take it and catch it on fire with the candle.  Put it in the heatproof container and gaze into the flames.  See all your hurt, anger, sorrow, etc. being burned up by the cleansing flames.  Visualize this until there are no longer any flames or glowing embers left.  Repeat with 2nd paper if the letter is longer than 1 piece of paper.  Remember to take your time when writing the letter.  There is no rush. :)  Snuff the candle

Deflection Spell – Protection From Another Person’s Influence

deflection spell is used to get rid of a person`s influence. Here is a simple deflection spell that can be used by anyone, to protect themselves from the influence of another, it brings no harm upon the other person, and works powerfully to protect the energy around you. Deflection Spell Visualise a broomstick pointed at said person. Really see it in your minds' eye. Say 3 times... "Get Thee Hence From My Door, I am Weary to the core" Keep on until you feel it`s done. It's important to the strength and longevity of the deflection spell that you repeat the verse every time you see or think of this person. In addition to the deflection spell you may want to perform this very simple binding spell as well.It will lend additional energy to the deflection spell you've already performed. This spell is to bind someone from causing harm of any kind. Binding Spell: Say the person’s name and define the line you want them bound from crossing. "I bind you______ from doing harm to others and harm to yourself." "I bind you from doing harm to others and harm to yourself" Repeat this as you bind the person’s photo with black tape.    

Prayers for Healing | Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Prayers for Healing - Elemental Prayer Shaman use many methods to align and to connect themselves with the spiritual and metaphysical realm. One of the ways they do this is through taking time to connect with and acknowledge the elemental powers of nature, the universe, God or Creator, through prayer. The Shamanic Elemental Prayer is one of many prayers for healing and spiritual balance, that we are blessed to have access to from the sharing of Shamanic wisdom and rituals. This prayer is beautiful, and equally so is the Shamanic view of its purpose - Walking In Balance With The Earth. Shamanic Healing Prayers use a prayer ritual to attain attunement and to harmonize with the elemental energies. This is known as walking in balance with the earth. When in balance we are whole, when unbalanced we need to look inward and address that which is leading us astray. prayers for healing Following is the prayer for healing, I hope you love it as much I do. Prayers for Healing * Feel free to substitute ''Great Spirit'' with whichever term feels right for you, be it God, Goddess, Creator, Universe, etc   Facing East Great Spirit of the East, warmth of the rising sun, Spirit of the new day. From you comes the energy that sustains all energies. The vital spark, power to act and to create,

Burning Letter Ritual, Healing the Past

Burning Letter Ritual When there has been someone in your life (alive or passed) with whom you have had ongoing and conflicting, upsetting or negative feelings towards, it can be extremely difficult to 'let go' of the emotional wound created - be it, sadness, fear, anger or a mix of all. For your own sake, healing this wound is important - it allows you to go on with your life again, and to no longer be effected by the feelings of the past. It prevents them from shaping or influencing your future choices, instead you have clarity and an unbiased place to make your choices from. For example if someone hurt you in the past. and you're still effected by it, it will shape the way you deal with every situation that is reminiscent of the relationship you had with this person. This is central to Shamanic teachings which emphasize the importance of releasing the old  - that which no longer serves us is old - in order to invite in the new. Letting go of the old negative energies, healing past emotional wounds, creates opportunity to invite in the positive and new. Enabling us to choose what we bring into our lives, rather than struggling to make choices, whilst impaired by the past. A powerful method of healing these feelings is the Burning Letter Ritual: Take all the time you need to write your letter

Attract New Love & End a Relationship Spell

End a Relationship Spell End a negative relationship or marriage, and strengthen or seek a new love Follow the process here to cut yourself free from an existing relationship – whether it’s a spouse, lover, family member or friend, as well as to attract new love into your life. This spell also seeks to replace the energy of the banished person with new and positive energies, either by strengthening another positive relationship in your life, seeking out a new love interest, or strengthen a newly found love. To cast this End a Relationship Spell you will need the following: 1 piece of paper, folded vertically to leave a crease down the centre Pen or Paper Black Candle White Candle Run Devil Run Oil - see below for how to make your own Cut & Clear Oil – see below to make your own Half a cup of salt or thereabouts Teaspoon red pepper powder – e.g. cayenne, paprika etc. Teaspoon of grave yard dirt Come to me Oil – see below for how to make your own Love me Oil – see below for how to make your own Dried Rose Petals Incense such as aloe or sandalwood Van Van Powder - see below for how to make your own A small table or space to lay your items out on Run Devil Run Oil

White Light Healing – Here’s how!

White Light Healing – Energy Boost White light healing is a very old method of cleansing and renewing energy. I most frequently perform this for my clients that are suffering from depression or anxiety, as it lifts the negativity from the person, leaving them feeling far better physically and emotionally. White lighting can be done anywhere, by anyone, and requires nothing but your mental focus. (I’m serious – you can do this at the bus stop , on the train, in the doctors waiting room … This method of healing can be applied helpfully to many situations – spaces that need clearing, objects that contain unwanted energy or spirits, for the cleansing of your tarot cards, wands, instruments, crystals and other magical objects.One of the most powerful ways you can use white light, is to cleanse a person’s energy. It leaves them feeling clearer, noticeably less depressed and worried, and gives them a renewed sense of energy and vitality. Many of my clients have talked about feeling appreciably better for up to 2 weeks following a session, and I’ve found over time that I have been teaching them all to do this for themselves as it’s so beneficial. They report having great success with it, and it made me want to share it with you all. The steps are below. White Light Healing: Sit or lie

Remove a Curse or The Evil Eye

If you believe that a curse has been placed upon you or your family then this is for you – how to remove a curse. Sometimes you know for certain that a curse has been placed upon you as the one who cast it has told you, other times you may suspect it due to the events that are taking place in your life, or an uneasy feeling, or sense that you are under a cloud, or the ‘evil eye’. Here is a spell that you can cast yourself to remove a curse that has been placed upon you, or your family. This spell is an uncrossing one and is very powerful. It will remove the negative spell that has been cast be it a curse, a hex or the  evil eye. To remove a curse with this spell you will need the following: fresh or dried St. John’s Wort white sage dragons blood resin powder ceremonial knife, dagger, or athame if you have one a white candle a black candle a bowl of salt a bowl of water a sachet to put your herbs in  one whole ripe lemon. Cast a circle as you normally do, and light all the candles. Whilst you hold the lemon in your hands, focus your concentration on the lemon. See it drawing the curse away from you. Dip your athame into the bowl of water and then use it to slice

Spiritual Oils – Recipes & Instructions

Simple recipes for you to use to create and blend your own oils for love spells, prosperity and luck spells, as well as to cleanse and banish and heal. Making your own oils is quick, saves you money and ensures they are a good quality and also that the blending process is infused with ''intent'' which creates a far more powerful oil than you will buy online. Spiritual Oils for Love Spells Below you will find recipes for incense, and oils for love spells. These can be used in your spellwork, worn on your body, or to anoint a room or possession. They assist in the igniting of Attraction, and Lust, and in signalling to the guides and universe that you are seeking your soulmate. Come to Me Incense You will need: 1/4 teaspoon black coffee powder a half cup of shredded candle wax a tablespoon of corn-starch, potato starch, or tapioca flour a chopped up long stem rose extra rose petals a handful of dried jasmine or lavender a teaspoon of coriander a spoonful of raw sugar (sweet) or brown sugar (punishment or vengeance) Instructions: Mix these ingredients well. Put them in a pan or mild of a desired, store-able shape, and melt it gently. Let this cool, and then you can break off small pieces as needed. Burn in an incense burner or

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