Spirit Guide Reading

Spirit Guide Reading


Would you like to meet your spirit guides? Learn more about them and what their role is in your life? The spirit guide reading lets you ask any questions you would like to of your guides. It gives you a description of your spirit guides, the messages they have for you and gives you answers to any questions you have for them, and about them. This is a very spiritual reading and will bring you closer to your guides, and can very often provide enough detailed information that you can start to recognize their presence and learn to communicate with them directly.


Information for Spirit Guide Reading

  • Readings will be returned within three business days
  • Your first name and the first name of anyone you wish to ask about are required for all email readings
  • If you have specific questions you want answered in your email reading, please include them via email
  • Birth dates or Sun Signs, e.g. Aquarius, Capricorn, Taurus etc., are helpful, but not essential, if you are comfortable to provide them please do
  • Images can provide further information. If you would like to send an image you are more than welcome to
  • Special reading requests are welcomed. Please feel free to send through your questions if you feel the standard email readings do not meet your needs
  • Please email amber@intothesoul.com if you have any questions
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