Yearly Archives: 2016

The Hermit – Meaning and Interpretation

The Hermit Hermit - a person living in solitude as a religious discipline. Alone, not lonely. By understanding yourself you can better understand others. A teacher or wise-man in a humble (dis)guise. Seeking inner truth. Connection thru disconnection. Opposites, intellectually challenges social norms and values. Accepts nothing as fact, all is questioned. Complete acceptance. Lack of need.   Once simply The Fool, The Hermit retreated from life, tired and worn down and in search of something more meaningful than his life offered. This journey into solitude has lead him to discover the layered meanings and complexities of the universe. Everything is far more complex and magical than he ever realised. Whilst the hermit walks upon the earth as all humans do. However, he also treads the periphery of the spirit world. He holds his lantern up as a beacon in the night sky, illuminating not only the seemingly empty barren world around him, but also the shadow lands of the other realms. He accepts and welcomes both worlds however he chooses to remain alone in a state of seeking and enlightenment. The lantern or the ‘light’ he holds in front of him symbolises the inner glow of his spirituality, the other world that he knows exists (the spiritual plane) and the belief he has in own life purpose. The hermit can see things the unawakened

The Chariot

The Chariot Keywords Advancement, victory, triumph, success Meaning and Interpretation Upright Breaking through barriers. Moving forward with confidence and authority. Reaching the pinnacle of success. Basking in the glory of achievement. Guiding an effort to total victory. Establishing yourself as a worthy leader. Reversed Resting on laurels. Riding roughshod over the feelings or expectations of others. Focusing more on past successes than future opportunities. Failing to rein in impulsive behavior. Correspondences • Archetype: The Victorious Hero • Hebrew Alphabet: Cheth/Fence/8 • Numbers: 7 (imagination, inner work, psychology) • Planetary/Astrological/Elemental: Cancer • Mythical/Spiritual: Odysseus. Jason. The search for the Holy Grail. Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. • Story: With an eye toward solving the story's central problem, the main character commits to a quest, usually at the end of the first act. Advice Relationships Moving forward to mutual victory requires trust and cooperation. If you have this already, depend on it during an upcoming challenge. If you lack it, consider what choices have prevented forming this kind of bond. Don't rest on your laurels; successful romance is an ongoing commitment. Work What do you need to move forward? Now is the time to summon resources and plan for future success. Past successes might not be an indicator of current value. Remember that employers tend to ask "What have you done for me lately?" Work accordingly. Spirituality

Who Should Learn Reiki? What Is It and How Does It Help You

Although it's not a new healing technique, Reiki has started gaining more and more popularity in recent years. There are good reasons for this, too. Before we get into the health benefits, let's go over what Reiki is and who should learn Reiki. The Practice of Reiki The technique originates from Japan. Its name is composed of two Japanese words. Rei means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki is "life force energy." Reiki follows the idea that we all have "life force" in us and that we can guide it to others. People with more life force are more likely to be happy and healthy while those with less are more prone to illness. When someone gives you Reiki, they are using their hand to channel life force into your body. It feels like a powerful energy starts coursing through you, with revigorating effects. The technique works in conjunction with all therapeutic techniques or medical remedies. It limits the adverse effects of an illness and speeds up recovery. Who Should Learn Reiki The practice of Reiki doesn't have anything to do with intellectual or spiritual development. In other words, anyone can practice it, from kids to the elderly. Learning Reiki can take as little as ten hours. You don't have to study anything either. You visit a Reiki master who can show you

Want To Get Reiki Candles? 5 Qualities You Should Look For

If you're not familiar with Reiki, you should know it is the energy present in and around all living creatures and their surroundings. It is the driving force behind great accomplishments. Your state of mind is directly linked to your Reiki levels. Are you feeling stressed and tired all the time? Reiki healing might help you. But to start a healing session, you will need some quality Reiki candles. If you want the best results from your therapy, not just any candles will do. After all, your emotional well-being and clarity of mind deserve only the best. Here are the five qualities you should look for if you want results. 1. The Wax Should Be Clean Reiki candles are chosen for their healing properties. If the wax in the candles contains harmful substances (such as lead), that can ruin the whole process. After all, the whole purpose of the candles is to get you closer to a natural experience. Get some candles made out of soy wax with various botanical oils to complement it. You can find many exotic blends on the market today. 2. The Dyes Should Be Natural As long as you've chosen wax with natural ingredients, you should choose the dyes based on the same reasoning. The problem is that some artificial dyes contain harmful additives. The natural ones are less likely

4 Mistakes You Might Make when Doing Your Own Tarot Card Reading

Tarot cards help us take the future into our hands. If you want to make some necessary changes in your life, tarot can give you some valuable insight. Thinking of doing your own tarot card reading? It can be a difficult task to complete for beginners. As such, you will need some helpful pointers. Obviously, you should take the time and get familiar with the cards. There are many tarot deck types, but cards don't change meaning from deck to deck. After you've done that, you'll want to avoid the following four mistakes. They can really affect your reading. 1. Not Listening to the Cards When Doing Your Own Tarot Card Reading As much as anyone would like to give their own interpretation on the cards they draw, that's not how it works. When doing your own tarot card reading, you should not look for convenient answers. You would just be lying to yourself. Either keep a level head during the process or have a professional do the reading for you. If you really want to read into the future without being biased, try doing a reading for somebody else. You get the chance to practice your technique and remain unbiased when it's your turn. 2. Not Accepting the Meanings that Are Given to You If you're in any way familiar with tarot, you should

What Is a Ouija Board and How Can You Use It?

What is a Ouija board? If you've never seen or heard about a Ouija board until now, you will find everything you need to know about it in this article. It's basically a wooden flat surface on which there are letters from A to Z, numbers from 0 to 9, and the symbols of the Sun and the Moon. A "planchette" is used for communication, meaning that through this device, people get answers to the questions they ask. Back in the 1920s, people used these boards as a way to contact the dead. There's not much evidence that this board is the way to do it, other than people's experiences and confessions. But if you want to try it out for yourself, then you need to know how to use it the right way. [ Image credits: Patrick Keller's Flickr ] How to use a Ouija board First of all, you need to know that in order to use the board, you need another person. After you picked your partner in crime, here is what you need to do next: The atmosphere - Turn off the TV, turn off your phones, and also make sure that there aren't going to be any distractions during the session. You need to be fully aware and present when using the board. Any interruption can cause negative energy to

How to Interpret Dreams about Dead Relatives

How to Interpret Dreams about Dead Relatives Most people don't take dreams about dead relatives as seriously as they should. In any other case (non-relatives), it would be brushed off as a coincidence. However, there is a much stronger spiritual bond between you and your relatives. As such, you need to know why they are trying to contact you from the beyond. There are many reasons why someone would want to communicate with you from the afterlife. The following lines will help you interpret your dreams. Maybe you'll even find out some things you didn't know about yourself and the departed.   How Often Do You Have Dreams about Dead Relatives? There are times when your dreams are purely psychological in nature. Do you sometimes feel guilty or regretful that you didn't show your affection towards your relatives enough? Or that you didn't spend sufficient time with them? Your subconscious is trying to cope with the feeling of guilt. By projecting an image of your dearly departed in your mind, it can deal with the powerful emotions. But make no mistake; there are instances when the spirits are trying to contact you. If you have recurring dreams about dead relatives, it may be a sign they are trying to reach out to you. Dead relatives usually contact those who they feel is the most trustworthy

4 Relationship Warning Signs Everyone Should Know About

4 Relationship Warning Signs Everyone Should Know About Even if you've been somewhat happy with your significant other for quite a while, there are some relationship warning signs you can't ignore. They can turn into massive outbursts as fast as you can say break-up. If your loved one shows any of the following signs, it's time to discuss some matters.   They Don't Give You Any Space One of the first relationship warning signs you'll notice is the constant need for overstepping boundaries. Here are some aspects you should watch out for: Your partner makes insensitive jokes at your expense. Between the two of you, certain boorish jokes can be fun. But in front of your friends, this can become a problem. Your loved one forces you to share private information. Constant nagging about something you deem confidential is a red flag. Sure, you shouldn't hold secrets from each other, but everyone deserves the right to privacy. They don't approve of (most of) your friends. Not liking one or two of your friends is fine. Not everyone can get along. But if you spend more time struggling to maintain peace than enjoying your relationship, something's wrong. Immaturity Is among Those Relationship Warning Signs You Don't Want to Deal with Emotional maturity is a major quality. If you've settled down, but your lover still acts like

3 Ways You Can Easily Start Channelling Positive Energy

Channelling positive energy can be good for your health and relationships. If you've been feeling tired or down lately, you need more positivity in your life. People will start noticing the difference, and it will only work out in your favour. Most of us are reserved about approaching individuals who give out negative vibes. Here's where you should start in your pursuit of happiness. 3 Ways You Can Easily Start Channelling Positive Energy 1. Work on Yourself Channelling positive energy cannot start from anyone else but you. You can't ask your favourite aunt to lend you some of her confidence. When you're feeling depressed, it can be hard to muster up the energy to do anything. But start slowly; start by doing the following: • Make a list of things you enjoy(ed) doing. Projecting enjoyable things in your mind will give you that extra boost of positivity. • Set aside an hour or two a day to do the things you enjoy. Cross them off your list as you're progressing. It will give you a sense of accomplishment. • Create something new. Start writing down your thoughts in a diary. Sing a song you wouldn't be caught singing. Get some painting supplies and try to express what's been bothering you on canvas. • Open yourself up to new experiences. Often, the only reason we're feeling down

7 Types Of Toxic People That Are Holding You Back

  7 Types of Toxic People that Are Holding You Back When people don't make any progress in life, their first instinct is to blame themselves. After all, aren't we the ones who are responsible for the choices we make in life? Sure, that's true. However, sometimes, your lack of achievements isn't due to your personal shortcomings. Sometimes, such issues stem from the toxic people in your life. Naturally, spotting the people who are holding you back isn't a walk in the park. They tend to blend in rather well, and even try to deceive you at times - often laying the blame on you!   Well, I've decided to offer a helping hand. Here are seven types of toxic people you should avoid in life: The Judgmental This kind of toxic person is rather hard to spot. That's because they don't seem out of the ordinary at first. However, there's one way to tell them apart from the rest: They have a massive ego. Nothing will ever be good enough to satisfy them. You could have the best intentions in the world, but it just won't matter to them. I don't recommend wasting time trying to please them - it will just cause you unnecessary pain and turmoil. It's best to just cut these toxic people out of your life altogether. The Stagnant These

What You Should Know about Healing Crystals

What You Should Know about Healing Crystals In our modern lives, we find less and less time to take care of our souls. Meditation is not merely a means to an end. It's something we should all do and cherish. Despite this, I understand if you find a little time to balance your energy. That's why I recommend you use healing crystals. The latent energy found in crystals can enhance and strengthen the process and effects of meditation. Let's talk about how you can use these minerals to achieve spiritual equilibrium. How to Use Crystals Simply having a crystal on your person or around you means that you receive its energy. For a better and more fulfilling life, you should always carry one with you. Using gemstones in meditation, however, has the biggest effect. Here is where they really shine. The process is similar to standard meditation, but there are a few key differences. First of all, find a comfortable position and place the crystal in front of you or in your hands. Forget the surrounding world and relax. Take your time with this. Think of every part of your body and will it into a relaxed state. Visualize yourself and the energy that courses through you. Now, focus on the crystal. See it through your mind's eye. Just like you, it's also filled with energy. It draws

The 4 Main Advantages of Mantra Meditation

The 4 Main Advantages of Mantra Meditation Many of us wish to enrich our life and relax - to become one with our true self. That is one of the most significant advantages of mantra meditation. While a simple practice, few know that there are multiple types of meditation. The idea of "mantra" is usually linked to mysterious, occult practices. The truth is that it is only a numinous sound, a syllable, words or group of words in Sanskrit. They don't have a syntactic structure or literal meaning. But they do, however, own psychological and spiritual power. Here are four of the main advantages of mantra meditation so you can start practicing it yourself: It Reduces Anxiety and Depression Mantra meditation channels the flow of energy through the mind-body circuit. It combines sound, breath, and rhythm. By doing this, brain hemisphere imbalance is regulated. Our present hyper-stimulated lifestyle is filled with stressful situations. Thus, the main advantage of mantra meditation is that it calms us and makes us see things in a different way. The practice balances our nervous and endocrine systems. Chronic stress and tension slowly fade away. A normalized hormone production will stabilize our moods and overall sense of well-being. Chanting is a pleasure that transcends the senses. It soothes us in the most profound way - on a cellular level. The word "mantra" is composed of "man" - "mind"- and "tra",

How Your Past Lives Might Influence Your Current State

How Your Past Lives Might Influence Your Current State   We often wonder what we were in past lives. We also tend to wonder if said past experiences might have influenced our present lives in one way or the other.  Most people think that it's impossible to know, but it's not. Our body may be only temporary, but our soul is eternal. It affects every aspect of our past, present, and future lives. By looking at who and where you are now, you can get a glimpse into the past. Some things stay with us for millennia. Plus, it also works the other way around. That means you can learn how your past lives have influenced your present journey as well.  Your Traits and Characteristics Some say that the soul is completely unchangeable and static. Other say it's in a constant state of flux. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. I see the soul as a regular shape that always changes colors. Some defining features never change. They give you shape. The feelings that come from the bottom of your heart have always been part of you. They are the colors. Love, for example, is one of those traits. Your capacity to love is the same as it has always been. Other characteristics, however, are formed through the lessons you've learned in past lives. They're the soul's way

Candle Spells

Anger or another negative emotion inside eating you up?  Burn it up! What you need:  Candle,  Paper, Pencil & Fire-Proof Container What to do:  Relax as much as you can.  Light the candle and place it on a table.  Put the heat proof container nearby.  It should be large enough to hold a piece of burning paper.  Sit at the table and take the piece of paper and pencil in your hand and write a letter about how your feeling.  Write about why you are feeling that way.  Pour all your heart and soul into writing this.  Be very specific and focus on the feeling while you are writing this letter.  If someone/something caused you to feel this way, you may start it out with Dear So-and-So if you so wish.  After you  have completed the letter (it can be longer then 1 piece of paper) take it and catch it on fire with the candle.  Put it in the heatproof container and gaze into the flames.  See all your hurt, anger, sorrow, etc. being burned up by the cleansing flames.  Visualize this until there are no longer any flames or glowing embers left.  Repeat with 2nd paper if the letter is longer than 1 piece of paper.  Remember to take your time when writing the letter.  There is no rush. :)  Snuff the candle


Amethyst The Amethyst is a stone that is strongly tied to emotional well-being and unconditional love. Amethyst promotes internal balance, emotional stability, and provides protection from negative energies. It is always associated with the purer of human qualities – such as chastity, sobriety, discipline, spirituality, faith, and self-control. Wearers t are protected against temperamental mood swings, anger, jealousy, and violent emotion. Instead, the stone's qualities promote calm, tranquility, and contemplation. Amethyst is the birthstone for Pisces and for those born in the month of February. Amethyst is associated with the crown chakra at the top of the head. Uses Amethysts purify and cleanse negative energy. It can be used to provide relief from headaches, emotional pain, anxiety, concussions, and depression. Amethyst aids in sleep. If kept in the bedroom, it’s calming energy soothes racing minds and restlessness as well as preventing nightmares, particularly in children. Those who deal with stress a lot, such as people with an excessive work ethic who are unable to enjoy relaxation. Sleep disorders Meditation and Clairvoyance Greek Mythology According to Greek mythology, Amethyst was a young virgin who became the object of the wrath of the Greek God Dionysus after he overindulged in red wine. The Goddess Diana turned Amethyst into a shimmering white stone to protect her from Dionysus (quartz). When Dionysus realized what had happened and felt remorse

Losing Someone Close to You – How Spiritual Mediums Can Help Ease the Pain

  Dealing with the loss of a loved one is one of the most painful experiences we go through. Overcoming the sadness, guilt and helplessness may seem impossible, but you can't give up. Take as much time as you need and go through the process of grieving at your own pace. There are people who can help, though. We are going to talk about how spiritual mediums can help ease the pain and find hope. Never forget that your loved one has gone to a better place, but they are always watching over you. Mediums Can Help You Pierce the Veil and Communicate Our world and the spirit world are not entirely separate realms. They are among us, and many people can reach out to spirits and communicate. Ask those people how spiritual mediums can help ease the pain and they will recommend a séance. Deaths, especially sudden ones, leave us with many unanswered questions. You can still find the answers and tell the one you've lost how much you love them with some outside help. Mediums can sense the presence of spirits and their energy. They will be able to "translate" the feelings of the soul to the living. A séance can tell you if the spirit is peaceful and happy. Grieving becomes much more bearable when you know that they are safe and content. That's one way how

Scrambled Tofu & Baby Spinach

Super Breakfasts! Scrambled Tofu   Ingredients Olive oil 250 brown mushrooms, or baby mushrooms sliced 450 grams of firm tofu, firm or extra-firm, crumbled 1/2 tsp. smoked paprika (or to taste) 1 tsp. ground cumin sea salt, to taste 1/4 tsp of turmeric couple of handfuls baby spinach 1/4 cup nutritional yeast Handful chopped continental parsley   Optional: Diced tomato Handful pine nuts Sliced spring onions   Method: Gently sauté mushrooms, pepper and garlic in olive oil on low heat until tender. Add the tofu to the pan and stir frequently, if using tomato, add now and stir for another minute or two. Add the spices and baby spinach. Add a teaspoon of water, cover and steam, for one minute. Stir in the nutritional yeast and cook for 2 more minutes until hot throughout. Add pine nuts, parsley or spring onions and season well. Serving Suggestion: Serve your scrambled tofupiping hot in a wrap of your choosing.  


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