Yearly Archives: 2016

4 Types of People That Are Harming Your Spiritual Health

  Our disposition, happiness and even way of thinking depend on the people that surround us. If someone in your life is harming your spiritual health, you should address that. If they don't change, the best thing you can do is to cut any ties with them. It's important that you recognize the type of people that will drag you down. Here are four of them: The Judgmental If most of your conversations with a friend are you talking about your ideas and them shutting you down, you're dealing with a judgmental. Instead of finding the positive aspect, they go out of their way to find the bad part. These people surround themselves with negativity. They are harming your spiritual health and slowly turning you into another negative person. Listen to judgmental people too much and you'll lose sight of your dreams. They'll make you think your aspirations are impossible to achieve. Not every idea will be a winner, but they all teach you lessons. Constructive criticism is fine, but you can go without people always talking you down. The Envious The judgmental is just a negative person. It's how they are. The jealous type, however, will consciously concentrate negativity towards you. There isn't a certain way the envious is harming your spiritual health. They will dislike you for your successes and think of ways to hurt you. Anyone could come up with something

How to Attract More Love in Your Life and Form Meaningful Connections  

Everybody is different. We all have our own aspirations, frustrations, and principles that guide us through life. The list could go on forever. But if there is one thing that unites us all, that is our desire to feel loved. We all want to attract more love in our lives because we've come to realize that it's the secret code to true happiness.  In today's day and age, it is easier to interact with others than ever. The irony is that it's harder to form deep, meaningful connections than it has ever been. As a result, more and more people start feeling lonely. Even worse, they lose hope that true love is somewhere out there waiting for them. Instead of focusing on the lack of love in your life, why not be a part of the solution? In this article, I am going to give you some life-changing tips on how you can draw more love in your life starting today. Learn to Love Yourself First You can't attract more love in your life if you are not happy with yourself. So you need to put yourself first. That's great advice, but how exactly are we supposed to do it?  This is what I suggest: Spend more quality time alone. I know this sounds like the exact opposite of what you need. However, before you can learn to love yourself,

How to Tell if You’ve Come into Contact with a Spirit

There are many entities in our world that we can't see with the naked eye. Strange, unexplainable occurrences happen on a daily basis. I'm even willing to bet that most people can honestly say that they've come into contact with a spirit at least once in their life. Today we're going to talk about how spirits communicate and manifest themselves. Our world is much more mystical than we give it credit. I'm going to help you see more than meets the eye. What Are Spirits? Spirits, or ghosts if you like, are people just like us. Dying is not the end of our story. We just pass to a different realm. The deceased may not have a physical body anymore, but they are still here with us. Spirits have energy, and they can communicate with the world in many different ways. They can interact with objects to an extent, but they can affect the living much more strongly. If you come into contact with a spirit, don't panic. We may not understand everything about them, but they are not malevolent entities out to harm us. How Spirits "Speak" to the Living Ghosts have numerous ways of communicating. These methods can be categorised, and we are going to go over each one. Sudden changes in temperature: In many cases, the presence of a spirit causes a sudden change in

King Swords Rx – Abstract Interpretation

The King of Swords was born to be fair and just and righteous, for the king swords to appear in the reversed position we know that his path has altered due to experience or circumstance. It is interesting to question whether this king when reversed, was not someone who chose to become ill-dignified, but whether he was someone who was corrupted by insurmountable adversity. Given the King Swords is dignified by the Element of Air, and is the highest thinking archetype in the tarot, with an enormous capacity for intellectual (not necessarily emotional!!) intelligence, he rationalises (in his own irrational way – perception is a reality after all) his behaviour. That he did not just succumb to greed or darker forces;  there was a life changing event that corrupted his ability to be himself… our King was victimised, and it changed the fabric of his being. As he is dignified by the Element of Air, and is intelligent, he rationalises (in his own irrational way – perception is a reality after all) his behaviour. Remember, though, there was a time when he too aligned himself with the loftier values he has it in himself to honor, his birthright. However, he lost himself in over analysis and calculation and forfeited his more human side and ended up crippled instead.   King Swords Does the experience of abuse reset you

Mexican Salsa

Love your salsa!!?! Brighten up any meal with this salsa. Use as a dip, in your burritos enchiladas, alongside your Mexican rice, as a topping for bruschetta, in your salads or to add a hum to any rice or soup dish. The options are unlimited. Salsa: 8 ripe tomatoes 1/2 large bunch of fresh continental parsley 1 large bunch of fresh coriander 1 purple onion 6-12 slices of pickled jalapeño finely chopped 1 large clove of garlic, finely chopped 1-2 juice from limes, if you can't get limes use lemons extra virgin olive oil red wine vinegar - a splash Himalayan pink salt or sea salt freshly ground black pepper Optional: sweet corn kernels black beans Method: Dice the tomatoes Finely chop fresh herbs Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic and jalapenos (if not already done) Add all to the bowl and combine. Add lime juice and olive oil Season liberally with salt and pepper Toss and serve, or set aside to chill in the fridge until ready to serve.

Deflection Spell – Protection From Another Person’s Influence

deflection spell is used to get rid of a person`s influence. Here is a simple deflection spell that can be used by anyone, to protect themselves from the influence of another, it brings no harm upon the other person, and works powerfully to protect the energy around you. Deflection Spell Visualise a broomstick pointed at said person. Really see it in your minds' eye. Say 3 times... "Get Thee Hence From My Door, I am Weary to the core" Keep on until you feel it`s done. It's important to the strength and longevity of the deflection spell that you repeat the verse every time you see or think of this person. In addition to the deflection spell you may want to perform this very simple binding spell as well.It will lend additional energy to the deflection spell you've already performed. This spell is to bind someone from causing harm of any kind. Binding Spell: Say the person’s name and define the line you want them bound from crossing. "I bind you______ from doing harm to others and harm to yourself." "I bind you from doing harm to others and harm to yourself" Repeat this as you bind the person’s photo with black tape.    

4 Types of Crystals That Can Boost Your Spiritual Growth

Crystals that can boost your spiritual growth Are you genuinely interested in crystals? You might like them for the mere fact that they're beautiful. They are great jewellery items, but they provide other significant advantages as well. They have the ability to manipulate energy.   There are even crystals that can boost your spiritual growth. Here is a list of the four most common stones that help you achieve emotional and psychic balance:     1. Clear Quartz to Help You Meditate This stone is terrific if you want to enhance your meditative practices. It is a very common crystal. You won't have any trouble in finding it. It is also useful for your psychic development because: It acts as an energy amplifier. You should wear it as a jewel or simply carry it with you and hold it somewhere close. This stone improves energy flow and transmission. Clear quartz helps you communicate more efficiently. It increases your capacity to receive and understand messages faster and easier. This crystal is also known for its ability to ease communication with the spiritual realm. It helps you reduce negativity and focus on spirituality.       2. Hematite to Reduce Stress The hematite is usually used by those who need grounding and emotional stability. Its most important trait is the ability to eliminate stress. Hematite is also

3 Signs Your Loved Ones Are Communicating With You From beyond the Veil

Have you ever felt the people you loved and lost trying to reach out to you? Although they're no longer here, you can still feel their presence. They are trying to convey messages through many signs you may not be aware of. Here are three things to pay attention to.  They're proof that your loved ones are communicating with you from beyond the veil. You Feel a Physical Presence near You Although you don't see a thing, you have the certainty that there's someone there with you. The spirits of our beloved ones want to let us know they are still present. That is one way they manage to reach out to us. It is also one of the most important signals you should pay attention to. When you feel that strange sensation, you immediately tend to look around. You expect to see someone standing right beside you. What you feel is the energy of each being, the energy that is 'truly them', and that they will possess eternally, regardless of passing to the other side. The spirits of your loved ones are communicating with you from beyond the veil. They try to comfort you. They want to let you know that death is not the end, and they're still with you. Here are some common signals that the one you've lost is in the same

Ask Me? Why Won’t He Stop Contacting?

  Ask Me?  Why won't he stop contacting her, even though she's made it clear he needs to stop?" The 7 swords say he doesn’t believe in her resolve or decision, either he perceives her as being manipulative, or believes he can manipulate her and change her mind about him ….. he uses The Star – and The Eight Cups to help him – tells her they will walk away from the past problems – they will create a magical (far from real) future together…. 7 swords – deception, Queen Swords, has learnt through hardship and heartache the difficulties of life, but all the same the dream of true love and happiness remains – her heart is guarded – but its warm and beating and wanting uncompromising love…. do enough to prove you love me and maybe i will trust you – maybe I will let go of my self perpetuated fears….. He senses this – he has the star (intuitive gifts, that he puts down to street smarts) too – intuitive and perceptive and ‘gifted’ with the sixth sense. Anna Kelly Your spot on Amber. Thank you What Do The Cards Tell Us? ask me

Super Quick Simple Vegan Pho

Vegan Pho - You'll Need: 2 Litres of your favourite Vegan stock 3 Cups Water 1 Onion 4 Cloves Garlic 3 Star Anise 3 Cloves 3cms approx fresh Ginger 1 Cinnamon Stick Soy Sauce to Taste 1 Package Wide Rice Noodles Firm tofu, diced Wild mushrooms Favorite veggies - carrot, broccoli, Chinese cabbage etc. at least 3 handfuls   On the Side: Thai Basil Vietnamese Mint (add your faves - don't be restricted) Bean Sprouts Soy Sauce Hot Chilli Oil Sliced Red Chillis Mung Bean Sprouts Crushed Nuts Lemon or Lime wedges Method: Dice onion and garlic, slice the ginger into coins. Add the broth, onion, garlic, star anise, whole cloves, ginger, and cinnamon, to a large pot and bring to boil. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Add Soy Sauce - approx 2 tablespoons Stir fry mushrooms, and veggies, for up to 5 minutes. Then and tofu in for the last minute or two Bring a big pot of water to a boil and cook your rice noodles. Follow the package directions. Drain, and rinse with cold water. Remove cinnamon and star anise before serving. If you like this Vegan Pho recipe sign up - there are heaps more to come, and you'll receive our new posts  with love ♥  

How to Understand the Mind Body Connection  

People nowadays tend to think that the mind-body connection is just something that we can take for granted. Most of us can't explain it, but we know it is there. However, in order to be the best you can be, you need to understand exactly how your mind influences your body. There are some simple things which can explain why our minds are so connected to our bodies. But first, let's see where did it all begin. The History of the Mind-Body Connection It all began a long, long time ago. Hippocrates stated that for a good state of the body, you also need to have a strong, healthy mind. It all depends on the balance between your body and your mind, and on your connection to the outside environment. A good example of a mind-body connection is the fight-or-flight response. This was discovered in the 1920s by a Harvard scientist called Walter Cannon, MD. The concept basically represents the capability of your mind to take the decision to fight a crisis situation or to avoid it. But what determines this? The body, which secretes hormones such as epinephrine. These hormones travel through your bloodstream and give you the sense of rush when in a difficult situation. These are basically the ones that influence your decision to either run away from danger or confront it. In the following decade, scientist Hans Selye, MD, made

Stress Relief Methods That Will Help You Clear Your Mind and Relax

Take a deep breath. Relax. If only it were that easy, right? The truth is that modern life makes it harder and harder for us to put our worries aside and slow down. Whether it's work-related stress, relationship problems, or just day-to-day worries, stress has unfortunately become a huge part of our lives. So what can you do about it? Well, there are certain stress relief methods that will help you reduce your stress level and become less tense. Here are some of my favorite ones: Make a List of Things You Are Grateful For Keeping a gratitude journal can help you remind yourself of all the good things in your life, and help you focus on them during difficult times. Whenever you feel positive emotions, take a moment to add something new to your gratitude list. Make sure you take this journal with you wherever you go, especially when you know you have an important event coming up that might affect your stress level.   Relax Your Body to Relax Your Mind When you let your mind become overwhelmed with stress, your body falls under assault as well, and the response is immediate. When you let your mind become overwhelmed with stress, your body falls under assault as well, and the response is immediate. Your muscles tense up, you start to breathe harder, your

Why Being a Spiritual Person Is Good for You

Being able to say what makes a person spiritual or not is a highly difficult task. Spiritualism can be manifested in so many different ways from prayer to yoga or meditation, that it makes it almost impossible to decide which practice is more meaningful than the other. No matter how we define it, the state of being spiritual brings many positive outcomes for a truly spiritual person. Let's look into some of these benefits: As a spiritual person, you are more positive Among the many benefits of being spiritual, this is probably the greatest advantage from both a social and a personal point of view. People who are tightly connected to the realm of spiritualism are more likely to develop positive thinking and see the good side of things. For a spiritual person, it's always better to focus on what is beautiful in life and only acknowledge the negative parts without focusing on them too much. You become wiser when making decisions This is an indirect consequence of spirituality. People who are self-aware of their inner value are also more likely to respect and pay attention to practical matters as well. They make good decisions for both them and those who surround them. For example, they are more inclined to stay away from unhealthy habits like drinking or smoking, and usually avoid any kind of excess. You can overcome obstacles

Psychic Mediums Reveal Their Powerful Daily Habits

  There are many misconceptions about psychic mediums. Some people think they've got them all figured out, but there's also a lot of mystery surrounding this subject and many wonder how psychics manage to develop their skills and live a spiritual life. The truth is that everybody who is interested in developing their spiritual side could stand to benefit from learning more about the daily routine of a psychic. That's why I wanted to share a few powerful habits you can easily incorporate into your daily routine to increase your psychic awareness with you all. Meditation I often emphasize how important it is to set time aside each day for meditation. As little as spending 20 minutes alone with your thoughts will allow you to better focus on your inner self. Meditation also reduces anxiety and increases the ability to concentrate. It also builds empathy and makes us more compassionate, two qualities that allow psychic mediums to relate to somebody's emotions at a deeper, more profound level. Practicing mindfulness Ever feel like you're on autopilot? Well, you're not the only one. It's easy to get wrapped up in day-to-day activities and lose control over your thoughts, but you should do whatever you can to stop this. Practicing mindfulness can help you with that. Mindfulness is a way of being. It's an ability to see things with more clarity without the cloud of feelings or

The Most Common Habits of Highly Spiritual People

  The concept of spiritualism has evolved a lot throughout the decades, so did our way of perceiving it. No matter how drawn we feel to spiritualism, there is a certain amount of spirituality in each and every single one of us, and it manifests itself in a myriad of different ways. Nevertheless, there are some common habits that most spiritual people are likely to have: Mind the good things first I believe that this is the central value of spirituality and all the people who put a huge emphasis on spirituality who I've had the chance to meet reinforced my belief. Seeing the bright side of things is an essential habit of highly spiritual people. They don't force themselves to consider the world entirely positive, being fully aware of the fact that there are many negative emotions and destructive forces as well. They simply tend to focus more on what is good and beautiful, and manage to be grateful for the positive things life has given them. Give priority to spiritual matters Another essential peculiarity of spiritual people is their capacity to put their soul first, and mind the physical aspects later. I don't mean to suggest that being spiritual implies living a life of reclusion and deprivation. These people manage to become more spiritual simply by being centered on their soul's needs. They tend to remove

Psychic Readings: Separating the Myths from the Facts

  A lot has been said and written about psychic readings, and not all of it is true. Some people form an opinion and then present it as the truth, which is how a lot of myths have started in the first place. Considering the huge volume of information out there, it's not always easy to separate the facts from the lies. Whether you choose to support or argue against psychic readings, it's important to be well-informed so that you can make the best decision. That's why I think it's important to talk about some of the most repeated lies and facts about this subject. Let's start with a myth, shall we? Myth: Psychics are mind-readers This is probably one of the most common myths out there. Some psychics even pretend to have this ability so that they can deceive people and take advantage of their naivety and make a quick buck. You shouldn't go into a reading expecting the psychic to be able to guess what number you're thinking of, for example. It doesn't work that way. However, this doesn't mean the benefits of psychic readings are not real. A good clairvoyant uses her/his gift of empathy to pick up on your energy and your dominant feelings, but it's not the same as invading your privacy by reading your mind. Fact: Psychic readings can provide real insight A true psychic reading can

Prayers for Healing | Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Prayers for Healing - Elemental Prayer Shaman use many methods to align and to connect themselves with the spiritual and metaphysical realm. One of the ways they do this is through taking time to connect with and acknowledge the elemental powers of nature, the universe, God or Creator, through prayer. The Shamanic Elemental Prayer is one of many prayers for healing and spiritual balance, that we are blessed to have access to from the sharing of Shamanic wisdom and rituals. This prayer is beautiful, and equally so is the Shamanic view of its purpose - Walking In Balance With The Earth. Shamanic Healing Prayers use a prayer ritual to attain attunement and to harmonize with the elemental energies. This is known as walking in balance with the earth. When in balance we are whole, when unbalanced we need to look inward and address that which is leading us astray. prayers for healing Following is the prayer for healing, I hope you love it as much I do. Prayers for Healing * Feel free to substitute ''Great Spirit'' with whichever term feels right for you, be it God, Goddess, Creator, Universe, etc   Facing East Great Spirit of the East, warmth of the rising sun, Spirit of the new day. From you comes the energy that sustains all energies. The vital spark, power to act and to create,


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