
How a Psychic Reading Can Really Help You

More and more people are turning to psychic readings nowadays to fix any issues they might need help with. They just seem to have an easier time placing their trust in this type of services than in other types. It's important to note that not only can psychic services help you solve any issues that are troubling you at the moment but they can also help you live a happier life in the long run. Of course, there are still skeptics out there who have a hard time giving these kind of readings a chance. If you are one of them, then maybe this article will help change your mind. Here is how psychic readings can really help better your life: A psychic reading can offer you that boost of self-confidence you really need Psychic services are not always just about giving you answers and providing you with details you didn't know about. It's important to understand that many people turn to psychic readings for the simple act of being proven right. While that may not sound like much, it can definitely do wonders for your self-esteem. Say you're about to go into business with a new partner. They seem great and trustworthy, but you still have a nagging feeling that you need a second opinion. So you go to your trusty psychic. He or she

Temperance XIV | Alchemy – Meaning & Interpretations

Who holds the secrets of the elemental powers? The Angel of Temperance; The Alchemist. The Alchemist is a magician, one who manifests his or her will. The Alchemist is an occultist, one who seeks the truth. The Alchemist is the high priestess, one who brings opposing worlds together. The Alchemist is an earthbound angel – embodying and harmonizing of all that surrounds. Always with a mind that can embrace opposing thoughts or concepts at the same time. The ability to hold diametrically opposed thoughts or concepts is represented frequently by the angels grounding – one foot stands on earth and the other foot that stands in water. No wonder so many people struggle to grasp at the true meaning of our Angel of Temperance. The one who makes opposites of equals and equals of opposites. The one who can mix fire and water. The Angel of Temperance appears in some tarot decks to be androgynous and does embody many character traits more traditionally perceived as masculine. However, Temperance is female. Our Alchemist must be a woman. She stands grounded in the feminine elements of earth and water – pentacles and cups. Standing focused on the work of creation and harmonization. One of the most obvious examples of which is procreation which blends together the male and the female inside the female body to bring about new

White Light Healing – Here’s how!

White Light Healing – Energy Boost White light healing is a very old method of cleansing and renewing energy. I most frequently perform this for my clients that are suffering from depression or anxiety, as it lifts the negativity from the person, leaving them feeling far better physically and emotionally. White lighting can be done anywhere, by anyone, and requires nothing but your mental focus. (I’m serious – you can do this at the bus stop , on the train, in the doctors waiting room … This method of healing can be applied helpfully to many situations – spaces that need clearing, objects that contain unwanted energy or spirits, for the cleansing of your tarot cards, wands, instruments, crystals and other magical objects.One of the most powerful ways you can use white light, is to cleanse a person’s energy. It leaves them feeling clearer, noticeably less depressed and worried, and gives them a renewed sense of energy and vitality. Many of my clients have talked about feeling appreciably better for up to 2 weeks following a session, and I’ve found over time that I have been teaching them all to do this for themselves as it’s so beneficial. They report having great success with it, and it made me want to share it with you all. The steps are below. White Light Healing: Sit or lie

Remove a Curse or The Evil Eye

If you believe that a curse has been placed upon you or your family then this is for you – how to remove a curse. Sometimes you know for certain that a curse has been placed upon you as the one who cast it has told you, other times you may suspect it due to the events that are taking place in your life, or an uneasy feeling, or sense that you are under a cloud, or the ‘evil eye’. Here is a spell that you can cast yourself to remove a curse that has been placed upon you, or your family. This spell is an uncrossing one and is very powerful. It will remove the negative spell that has been cast be it a curse, a hex or the  evil eye. To remove a curse with this spell you will need the following: fresh or dried St. John’s Wort white sage dragons blood resin powder ceremonial knife, dagger, or athame if you have one a white candle a black candle a bowl of salt a bowl of water a sachet to put your herbs in  one whole ripe lemon. Cast a circle as you normally do, and light all the candles. Whilst you hold the lemon in your hands, focus your concentration on the lemon. See it drawing the curse away from you. Dip your athame into the bowl of water and then use it to slice

Narcissistic Charm – Beware

Sometimes the charm of a narcissist inhibits you from seeing their narcissism. When you first met your heir spouse, there was something about them that was enticing. There was what seemed like an irresistible pull to someone who perfectly matched your needs and wants, it seemed a match made in heaven. However, the fairy tale engagement and marriage came to an abrupt halt the day you walked down the aisle. The narcissistic spouse said you had changed and you believed your spouse. So desperate to return back to the fairy tale, you became whatever your narcissist demanded. But it was not enough. The more you acquiesced, the more ultimatums surfaced. Narcissistic Charm Desperate to find another solution, you finally begin to look at your spouse’s behavior. Could they be narcissistic? What does a narcissistic spouse even look like? Here are some signals to look out for. Does your spouse … Expects you to meet their needs at all times? You are required to anticipate what, how, and when they need admiration and adoration. This is a one-way street where you give, they take but they don’t give in return. Projects their negative characteristics onto you? They say you are needy, never satisfied, ungrateful for all they do, and have unreasonable expectations. Yet your friends and family have not verbalized any such complaints about you. Get jealous

Spiritual Oils – Recipes & Instructions

Simple recipes for you to use to create and blend your own oils for love spells, prosperity and luck spells, as well as to cleanse and banish and heal. Making your own oils is quick, saves you money and ensures they are a good quality and also that the blending process is infused with ''intent'' which creates a far more powerful oil than you will buy online. Spiritual Oils for Love Spells Below you will find recipes for incense, and oils for love spells. These can be used in your spellwork, worn on your body, or to anoint a room or possession. They assist in the igniting of Attraction, and Lust, and in signalling to the guides and universe that you are seeking your soulmate. Come to Me Incense You will need: 1/4 teaspoon black coffee powder a half cup of shredded candle wax a tablespoon of corn-starch, potato starch, or tapioca flour a chopped up long stem rose extra rose petals a handful of dried jasmine or lavender a teaspoon of coriander a spoonful of raw sugar (sweet) or brown sugar (punishment or vengeance) Instructions: Mix these ingredients well. Put them in a pan or mild of a desired, store-able shape, and melt it gently. Let this cool, and then you can break off small pieces as needed. Burn in an incense burner or

Understanding the Narcissist

A Narcissist’s life is filled with anxiety. The need to alleviate these anxieties is what drives much of their behavior. They are a walking contradiction with desires to have emotional security and a need to be alone at the same time. On top of the need to alleviate themselves of anxiety, their actions are also self-esteem driven. Because he derives his sense of self-worth from the people and things in his environment, the choices he makes and the things he does reflect that. Most of the time he isn’t thinking of anyone else. He’s thinking, ‘how does this make me look,’ hurting you is usually an unfortunate repercussion he often never even considered. So in these two respects he is not really aware of his behavior. However, we all know that if we want X to happen we must do Y to achieve the desired result. For instance, if you want a paycheck you must get up and go to work every day. If we are looking at the manipulative aspect of a Narcissist, abso-freakin-lutely he is aware that he is manipulating you. Some Narcissists are more manipulative than others, but believe me when he wants something from you, he’s going to tell you what you want hear, or do what he needs to, to get it, knowing full well, he has no intention of

Psychic Protection

Psychic Protection - Everyone wants it, everyone needs it! Here are seven steps to ensure you are safe from a psychic attack and resistant to the negative energies that you encounter during your day. This is not hard, or complex, everyone can do it and benefit from at least a few of these steps. This is about using your focus and your will (power) to create the desired outcome. That outcome is protection from the energy of others, to retain a stable and clear aura, and minimize all forms of anxiety and stress. You'll be able to do all of these without any prior knowledge. So give it a try - you've got nothing to lose and a wonderful sense of energy and clarity to attain ... Smudging and Purifying - Smudging refers to a process of burning herbs to purify or cleanse unwanted forces, and/or negative energy. This is a relatively simple process, whereby you waft ‘smoke’ into the areas that you wish to cleanse. If you are performing a cleanse for yourself or another person, or an object you will need them to pass through the smoke. This process is a magical one… not a physical one. You do not need billowing smoke, and you do not need to feel choked up or suffocated. You are performing a ritual, it is the presence

Psychic Intuition – Give yours a workout

People frequently ask me "Can I develop my own Intuitive Abilities?" and, "How can I develop my Psychic Intuition?" Everybody has intuitive gifts, and more and more people are wanting to learn to tap into that side of themselves. There's no magical answer though, because its like every other discipline out there... practice and practice and practice. There are many ways to practice using your intuition. Here's what works for me. I do many readings a day, and I often wonder about my clients, whether their readings have happened yet, or whether things have unfolded as we thought they would. I often have to wait 6 or 12 months, in between seeing my clients before I can find out how their reading unfolded. I am always looking forward to feedback though, and when I get it, I make sure to look at the strengths and weaknesses of what was presented. Looking at how things unfolded, in comparison to how you 'saw' them, is the best way to hone your skills, and make sure you are asking spirit all the questions you need to on behalf of your client. Being a good Intuitive or Psychic is not just about your connection to Spirit. It's also about being a good detective and asking the right questions. If you don't ask for the right information, you may not get it. It's the main

The Strength Card, Rider Waite Tarot | Lust Atu XI, Thoth Tarot

How do you interpret The Strength Card of the Rider Waite Tarot, or the Lust Card, ATU XI of the Thoth Tarot? Following are my thoughts on this card. I've also included different ways that it might be interpreted in a reading, to help you understand it when it comes up in your own readings. The human and the lion - make friends with your enemy or that which opposes, overpowers, threatens or preys upon you. Befriend your fears. Are things really what they seem to be? Do you follow what has been taught to you in the past, or do you live by experience? Is this card advising the querent to put mind over matter. Determination will pay off? Is it truly a lion being tamed? Or is it the beast within? The card can refer equally to the inner struggle as it can to the struggles that the outside world throws at us. Does this card tell us that change is coming? That yes we can stave it off, but only whilst we are applying sheer force. What will happen when force is removed? Will circumstances have changed? Will the lion be tamed? Aleister Crowley renamed this card "Lust" in the Thoth Tarot. The reasoning behind it makes perfect sense... think of the imagery on the card, a woman taming a beast - or the masculine. Crowley reminds us

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle's work teaches us his perspective on how to live a spiritually centred life. He has written many books and shared teachings on dealing with grief, living in the moment or ''the now'' and the benefits to be found in practicing stillness and meditation, and living a spiritual existence. He explains the mental pain caused by living in memories of the past, and the difficulties we bring to our lives by focusing on dreams for the future. When you live in either the past or the future, and compares this to the relief found than the past or future, and the benefits  found in  embracing our spirituality. I love the way he reminds us that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that in this knowledge, there is immense psychological freedom. The understanding of this concept is life changing in that it reminds us that this journey is but a step or a single lesson in our evolution. Which you can interpret as; you have a thousand of these lives to lead - so don't sweat the small stuff. It is an instant perspective changer. Everyone you talk to will tell you that they find their view of their life different if contemplating that they have many thousand more lives to lead. The other assurance we receive is that in our return to spirit, we re-connect

Go and Get Giving

Human beings are inherently social creatures. We are hard-wired to make social connections, be community members and support one another. There’s no two ways about it. When we are living in harmony with our ”community” and actively giving to it we are happier more fulfilled beings. When you look more closely at this to see what factors most contribute to the sense of fulfillment, the number one stand out is giving.  Further, it’s not anonymous giving, that delivers us the best results personally. It’s the giving of time, of support, or items that we have had a hand in either creating or collecting or raising funds to purchase. It makes people feel so positive that they seek over and over to repeat the process, and for some people becomes the inspiration that charges their lives. This is an example of the Law of Giving and Receiving which essentially tells us that all energy can be categorized as either giving or receiving energy. This balance of energy is what powers all things in our universe. The more energy you expend in either area, the more that will in turn, naturally flow back to you. “The universe operates through dynamic exchange – giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe.”  – Deepak Chopra explains. Therefore, we see that in our willingness to give that which

Psychic Readings & Time Frames

I always feel sad when people tell me that they've seen many psychics and had many readings and that nothing they were told has transpired. Even worse are those who report that things sadly went very badly, nothing happened as it was 'meant to' happen. It leaves them feeling they've missed out, or somehow failed, and promotes anxiety and despondence. Why do readers predict that things will happen, and seem so sure of it, and then they don't... A psychic told me that X was going to happen on X date (e.g. my boyfriend was going to propose on New Years Eve) and it didn't happen... now I am worried it never will. I've seen so many different readers and they have all told me different time frames for things. I'm so confused. Why is this happening, it does not make any sense? These questions come from a place of pain, frustration and disappointment. I hate seeing people in this state, and hope that the following "explanation" may provide some help in avoiding 'reading disappointment'. So, when you next have a reading, keep in mind the following concepts: Concept One - Time is not Linear The place that spiritual (psychic) information comes from does not operate on a 24 hour time clock, and a 365 day calendar year like we do. Spirit does not go around wearing a watch, checking alarms, marking

Marriage advice I WISH I’d had

Gerald Rogers was divorced after 16 years of marriage. Recently he wrote an eye-opening, public confession on his blog... my heart goes out to him and I couldn't agree with him more. MARRIAGE ADVICE I WISH I WOULD HAVE HAD by Gerald Rogers Obviously, I'm not a relationship expert. But there's something about my divorce being finalized this week that gives me perspective of things I wish I would have done different... After losing a woman that I loved, and a marriage of almost 16 years, here's the advice I wish I would have had... 1) NEVER STOP COURTING. Never stop dating. NEVER EVER take that woman for granted. When you asked her to marry you, you promised to be that man that would OWN HER HEART and to fiercely protect it. This is the most important and sacred treasure you will ever be entrusted with. SHE CHOSE YOU. Never forget that, and NEVER GET LAZY in your love. 2) PROTECT YOUR OWN HEART. Just as you committed to being the protector of her heart, you must guard your own with the same vigilance. Love yourself fully, love the world openly, but there is a special place in your heart where no one must enter except for your wife. Keep that space always ready to receive her and invite her in, and refuse to let

What screws us up most in life

This is so true. How often do you catch yourself doing exactly this!!?! Thinking about the things you wish you had done, the things you wish you owned, the things you feel you've missed out on and the way you wish your life was. It's so easy to focus on the 'have not's'. The perceived failings, the difference between where you are and where you wish you were. Many people spend their lives this way, imposing an abstract sense of failure upon themselves, that does nothing but stir up feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. What if we just stopped doing that to ourselves? Imagine how much better the quality of life would be if we learnt to focus on what was in front of us, rather than what we 'wish' was in front of us. We all need to come back to the moment, to 'now' and let go of the reality we imagine, the past we miss, or the gaps we perceive between our 'wants' and 'have's.  Don't wish your life away in this type of pattern... Focus on what you feel, what you sense, what you love right now, and spread your wings and soar. Focus on how good 'right now' feels. Living in this exact moment, 'now' is profoundly liberating. Everything becomes possible again - pain recedes into another dimension, and opportunity presents. Try it, I promise you it will deliver you the


Manifest - to make shit happen! For those who are wondering  what "manifest" means it is to 'make something real or apparent', or 'make shit happen'. Affirming your intentions, desires and gratitude to the universe or spirit is  one of the most powerful  way to manifest your intentions. into your life. Positively affirming your commitment to your path - whatever it may be - and focusing your mind upon it regularly does deliver results. Affirmations ground and build  energy. With every repetition they  enhance your conscious awareness and focus on your intent and further  align your will with the universe and spirit.   They can be used to enhance any and all actions, desires and goals. The Abundance Prayer below is a powerful and very successful incantation that has been used by many over a long period of time with much success. Reports of successful change that (seemingly) resulted from this prayer or spells use include; unexpected winnings and dividends - such as $8000 coming into one woman within a  week of using this spell. Other feedback includes long awaited and hoped for telephone calls  and invitations coming from love interests and ex-lovers, a job promotion finally being improved, and a house finally being sold after many months on the market with no interest. You can add to the words here to suit your purposes, or if

Strengthen Your Psychic Ability

Moments of insight, flashes of understanding and intuitive perception seem to come when you least expect them to. All of a sudden you have a surreal moment of insight and your psychic ability is illuminated. I'm talking about those 'aha aaa' moments,  where everything now makes sense to you. Under this umbrella also fall the 'gut' feelings or intuitions that we all get, strong (weird) urges to avoid particular circumstances or situations, sudden desires or 'needs' to see or connect with loved ones, and so forth.­­­ The way these moments of intelligence flash thru our consciousness unbidden,  can make us feel that this source of intelligence is  beyond our human ability to control and, or understand. This is not the case though, it's just that as a society we do not place a focus on developing this area in the mainstream. Remember though; we are all spiritual beings, and every one of us has the ability to connect to spirit, develop our connection to 'creator' and strengthen our intuitive gifts. Whilst there are many methods and techniques for developing each and every aspect of your spirituality,  I will only refer to those that I know, through personal experience, do work, and are also accessible to all. Following is one of the most straightforward and simple ways to do so - everyone will be capable of this, and there is no need for any financial outlay. The

For All Parents

As everyone who has them knows... Young children, from the get-go, are a leading cause of insanity in otherwise 'stable' (term used loosely) people. For all parents who identify; I give you Michael McIntyre. Not a cure, not a how-to, and nothing preachy. The opposite of all the remedies, schools of discipline and every other piece of advice you've ever received. This is empathy and understanding and a reminder that it's not just you .... so please watch, its hilarious. And, if you've seen it already, watch it again. I watch this religiously on 'bad' days (and hang out with my friend alcohol). Any time child-induced heart palpitations rumble, or my brain starts melting - I've got it dialled. This clip is in my phone, my playlists, the spoilt children's iPad's, and everywhere else I can save it to. There's something so comforting in knowing you're not alone... I think? Thanks (so many thanks) to Michael McIntyre Amber |

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