
Absolute Teachings - the nature of mind, thoughts, and emotions Whatever arises in the mind is fresh; the essence of realization. When you are in the throws of shenpa how to realize its emptiness nature, its freshness, its openness. like labelling thinking is an absolute instruction in away- it's like pointing out that it's just ineffable, it's just words that aren't even being spoken, but we hear it, and it's very convincing but just thoughts, just like touching a bubble with a feather, or clouds in the sky. when you are in the throws of the shenpa Tonglen is Tibetan for 'giving and taking' (or sending and receiving) and refers to a meditation practice found in Tibetan Buddhism. In particular, to care about other people who are fearful, angry, jealous, overpowered by addictions of all kinds, arrogant, proud, miserly, selfish, mean—you name it—to have compassion and to care for these people, means not to run from the pain of finding these things in ourselves. In fact, one’s whole attitude toward pain can change. Instead of fending it off and hiding from it, one could open one’s heart and allow oneself to feel that pain, feel it as something that will soften and purify us and make us far more loving and kind. The tonglen practice is a method for connecting with suffering—ours and that which


Bodhicitta is a spontaneous wish to attain enlightenment that is motivated by great compassion for all sentient beings. This wish for enlightenment is accompanied by a falling away of the attachment we have to the illusion of an inherently existing self. We awaken this bodhicitta, this tenderness or kind caring love for life when we can no longer shield ourselves from the vulnerability of our human condition. Where the only certainty is that one day we shall pass, and the time we have to live is unknown, this is the basic fragility of existence. It tends to be when we feel defeated, at the end of our rope or hopeless that we lose inspiration for living. When we feel this way, ready to give up, we are presented not just with the hopelessness of our being, but with the opportunity to tap into the healing that can be found in the tenderness of pain itself. This is the time to touch the genuine heart of bodhicitta. In the midst of loneliness in the midst of fear, in the middle of feeling misunderstood and rejected is the heartbeat of all things, the genuine heartbeat of sadness. At these times we are also able to touch at or feel the pain of all beings, not just our single life, but life itself. In so doing it is

Navigating Your Spiritual Path

4 Mistakes You Might Make on Your Spiritual Path There's no shame in admitting that you sometimes face difficulties on your spiritual path. We all face such difficulties. Also, it's something normal and to be expected, since overcoming all the challenges you face is what achieving spiritual balance is all about. However, knowing what mistakes you need to avoid making can also help you out a lot. Overcoming difficulties is nice, but learning how to avoid them altogether is even better. So make sure you avoid making these 4 common mistakes on your spiritual path: Not spending any time in nature You don't have to be a psychic to know that nature has a lot of power when it comes to influencing our spiritual side. After all, most spiritual masters of our time achieved their inner balance by spending a lot of time in nature. The raw power of nature simply cannot be equalled by the simple act of just reading a few books or meditating. You will see that taking a quiet walk in the park or forest will help you clear your mind and find a solution to whatever inner turmoil you are facing. Being arrogant when starting out on your spiritual path This is a huge mistake a lot of people are guilty of making on their spiritual paths. I know it can be

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle's work teaches us his perspective on how to live a spiritually centred life. He has written many books and shared teachings on dealing with grief, living in the moment or ''the now'' and the benefits to be found in practicing stillness and meditation, and living a spiritual existence. He explains the mental pain caused by living in memories of the past, and the difficulties we bring to our lives by focusing on dreams for the future. When you live in either the past or the future, and compares this to the relief found than the past or future, and the benefits  found in  embracing our spirituality. I love the way he reminds us that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that in this knowledge, there is immense psychological freedom. The understanding of this concept is life changing in that it reminds us that this journey is but a step or a single lesson in our evolution. Which you can interpret as; you have a thousand of these lives to lead - so don't sweat the small stuff. It is an instant perspective changer. Everyone you talk to will tell you that they find their view of their life different if contemplating that they have many thousand more lives to lead. The other assurance we receive is that in our return to spirit, we re-connect

The 4th Law of Spiritual Success – Least Effort

Here is the 4th law of spiritual success, thanks to Deepak Chopra. And this one, by title alone, is my favorite!! It's super empowering.... wrap your head around it guys, it's worth the effort. The Law of Least Effort The basic premise of this law is that you will do less and accomplish more because you work with what is positive, and no longer waste energy on what deplete you. Accept others and the universe for exactly what they are. Realize that this moment is a culmination of all the moments and days before. It is not a bolt out of the blue... or something you can readily change. It is as it is meant to be. Take responsibility, you need to 'own' everything. Responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for your situation. You see yourself as in control, therefore you also are empowered to create a positive response to the situation you're facing and change its impact on your life. All problems contain the seeds of opportunity. Every difficult situation becomes an opportunity for change and growth, and each difficult person becomes a teacher. What counts really is not the situation you're presented with - but your response to it. Reality is just your perception of things. Choose to interpret things differently - choose your response - and you also end up choosing your reality. Responsibility then means the ability to have

Brian Weiss – Past Life Healing Guru

Brian Weiss is is an American psychiatrist, and author who specializes in past life regression. I hope you find Brian Weiss as inspiring as I do. “Come from the heart, the true heart, not the head. When in doubt, choose the heart. This does not mean to deny your own experiences and that which you have empirically learned through the years. It means to trust your self to integrate intuition and experience. There is a balance, a harmony to be nurtured, between the head and the heart. When the intuition rings clear and true, loving impulses are favored.” Brian Weiss   Amber | www.intothesoul.com  

The 5th Law of Intention and Desire

This Law is so simple yet so complex... that I thought it might be best to start with a summary of what its really all about: Ok people here we go, this one is chewy.. if anyone else can summarise it better, please let me know and I'll more than likely put your post up instead of mine!! The Law of Intention and Desire This law is based on the understanding that energy and information are the building blocks for all that exists on our planet. Whether you're a flower, a rainbow a tree or a human body, when broken down all your essential components are energy and information (atoms). The whole universe also consists of these moving particles. Our nervous system are capable of becoming aware of the energy and informational content that is our physical bodies. Thus we have consciousness. So it follows that all energy and information is potentially consciousness, and as a result; also potential. Deepak's been showing us in the other laws  that consciousness is potentiality. Thought, attention, and intention are the seeds of creation. What we conceive we create. Therefore we understand that the quantum field is influenced by intention and desire. We experience this field subjectively as our own thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, memories, instincts, drives, and beliefs. This same field is experienced objectively as the physical body — and

The 7th Law of Spiritual Success: Dharma

Here is the last of Deepak Chopra's seven Laws. It provides a lot of food for thought. I also think it gives a sense of how one can best live a life that at the end of all their days they will be proud of. I think that if you followed the law of dharma, you would turn around in your old age and reflect that your life had been well lived... and that you were proud of who you were. I love this one soullies! let me know what you think xxx The Seventh Law of Spiritual Success: The Law of Dharma or Purpose In Life The Law of Dharma that we come to earth and take physical form to fulfil a purpose. Therefore that we actually come are born with "a reason to be". Your purpose is unique to you and only you, it is predetermined, and it is of value - do not question the value of your purpose, trust it instead. Your purpose will always have an element of giving to others, of being of service, and helping. This is because it is through these pursuits that our spirits know the greatest sense of happiness and satisfaction. Imagine children growing up with this knowledge, that right from the word go. That they knew they were of value and their lives were intrinsically meaningful, just because they were here. It would

The 6th law of Spiritual Success: The Law of Detachment

Today we're onto the Law of Detachment. This is such a good 'law' to get your mind around, in fact its life changing. It's certainly the only reason my life is what it is today. This law or thinking, essentially empowers you to build the life you want. For example, you lose your business, your money is gone, you have nothing left to show... or you get divorced, your life as you knew it is over, you have nothing and must start over, your family are taken from you and you are now on your own and feel no reason to live... this law of detachment helps you to find the meaning within that enables you to build the world without that will nourish you. You are far stronger than you will ever (hopefully) have to realise, know that that strength and capability is there and can be tapped into at all times, that what you can think of, what you can imagine, you can also create. This law says, if you lose everything that is of meaning to you and you have to start all over again with nothing, do it fearlessly, and build your life over again. Having actually been in this situation myself more than once, unfortunately, I can tell you honestly, there is nothing more empowering than realising that no matter

The 4th Law of Spiritual Success

Here is the 4th law of spiritual success, thanks to Deepak Chopra. And this one, by title alone, is my favourite!! It's super empowering.... wrap your head around it guys, its worth the effort. The Law of Least Effort The basic premise of this law is that you will do less and accomplish more, because you work with what is positive, and no longer waste energy on what depletes you. Accept others and the universe for exactly what they are. Realise that this moment is a culmination of all the moments and days before. It is not a bolt out of the blue... or something you can readily change. It is as it is meant to be. Take responsibility, you need to 'own' . Responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for your situation. You see yourself as in control, therefore you also are empowered to create a positive response to the situation you're facing and change it's impact on your life. All problems contain the seeds of opportunity. Every difficult situation becomes an opportunity for change and growth, and each difficult person becomes a teacher. What counts really is not the situation you're presented with - but your response to it. Reality is just your perception of things. Choose to interpret things differently - choose your response - and you also end up choosing your reality. Responsibility then means the ability to have

The 3rd Law of Spiritual Success

Here is the third law of spiritual success, its Karma. Karma is not an airy fairy grey area, it's really just about responsible choice making. The Law of “Karma” or Conscious Choice Making "Karma" is both the action you take and the consequence of that action; it is cause and effect simultaneously. Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us … we reap what we sow. Good karma equates, very simply, to good choice making. The heart is an intuitive decision-making tool. It´s holistic, it´s contextual, it's relational. It doesn´t have a win-lose orientation and it takes everything into account. The heart has a computing ability that is far      more accurate and far more precise than anything within the limits of rational thought. When you come from your heart you will not go wrong. Ask yourself what will be the outcome of my decision? What will it mean for others? “Will this choice I’m making bring happiness to me and to those around me?” If the answer is yes, then go ahead. If the answer is no, if that choice brings distress or loss either to you or to those around you, then don’t make it. It’s as simple as that. Applying the Law of “Karma” or Cause and Effect If we want to create happiness in our lives, we must learn to sow the seeds of

The 2nd Law of Spiritual Success

Here's The Second Law of Spiritual Success, from Deepak Chopra's 7 Laws of Spiritual Success. It's the Law of Giving. I think this one might be my favourite ... xx The Law of Giving (and Receiving) The Universe operates thru dynamic exchange; the giving and receiving of energy. From big complex systems to small simple ones, this is always true. Without it, everything stops and stagnates. Giving is the best way to ensure receiving If you want love in your life, learn to give love and to do so freely In order to grow or keep wealth or influence we must keep giving it and receiving it In improving our finances, we must realise that we can't hoard our money away, if we wish it to grow Share ideas; thought has the power to transform We cannot expect our friendships to grow if we do not offer our time and affection to others Applying the Law of Giving The most powerful forms of giving are non-material. Always give to others; time, compliments, flowers, smiles, it doesn't have to cost you anything Gratefully receive all the gifts… Especially give that which you seek, keeping the abundance of the universe circulating in your life Amber | www.intothesoul.com

The 1st Law of Spiritual Success

I'm determined to make today as positive as possible! So I began with a bit of a read of Deepak Chopra's 7 Laws for spiritual Success. It's gotten me so inspired, I felt that I had to share it with you!! So over the next week, I thought it would be cool to take a look at these "Laws" together. The first Law, is the Law of Pure Potentiality. Awesome for everyone from entrepreneurs to students to mothers. Use this to focus on creating the dynamics you want at home, in your business your health and your social life. Tap into it when planning your next step career wise and financially. This Law teaches that everything is possible and within this, that everything is also perfect and exactly as it should be. This Law encourages conscious living, or living in the "now". This is because it enables us to 'live' with meaning and purpose and gratitude. This is also central in Zen Buddhism. So you can look there too if you're really interested. So here's the first spiritual law, enjoy xxx The Law of Pure Potentiality • The source of all creation is pure consciousness. Consciousness, or your thoughts, therefore are the measure for your potential. Thoughts are the seeds of all creation, and we manifest them by seeking their expression. When we understand that our true Self is one of


Gandhi resonates with me probably more than anyone else ... (at least for now!!) Here are some of the messages he left us - imagine how empowered you'd be if you took them all on board : Be the change you wish to see in the world What you think, you become Where there is love, there is life Learn as if you’ll live forever Your health is your true wealth Have a sense of humor Your life is your message Action expresses priorities Our greatness is being able to remake ourselves Find yourself in the service of others Amber | www.intothesoul.com

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