Psychic Protection
Psychic Protection - Everyone wants it, everyone needs it! Here are seven steps to ensure you are safe from a psychic attack and resistant to the negative energies that you encounter during your day. This is not hard, or complex, everyone can do it and benefit from at least a few of these steps. This is about using your focus and your will (power) to create the desired outcome. That outcome is protection from the energy of others, to retain a stable and clear aura, and minimize all forms of anxiety and stress. You'll be able to do all of these without any prior knowledge. So give it a try - you've got nothing to lose and a wonderful sense of energy and clarity to attain ... Smudging and Purifying - Smudging refers to a process of burning herbs to purify or cleanse unwanted forces, and/or negative energy. This is a relatively simple process, whereby you waft ‘smoke’ into the areas that you wish to cleanse. If you are performing a cleanse for yourself or another person, or an object you will need them to pass through the smoke. This process is a magical one… not a physical one. You do not need billowing smoke, and you do not need to feel choked up or suffocated. You are performing a ritual, it is the presence