4 Types of Crystals That Can Boost Your Spiritual Growth

Crystals that can boost your spiritual growth Are you genuinely interested in crystals? You might like them for the mere fact that they're beautiful. They are great jewellery items, but they provide other significant advantages as well. They have the ability to manipulate energy.   There are even crystals that can boost your spiritual growth. Here is a list of the four most common stones that help you achieve emotional and psychic balance:     1. Clear Quartz to Help You Meditate This stone is terrific if you want to enhance your meditative practices. It is a very common crystal. You won't have any trouble in finding it. It is also useful for your psychic development because: It acts as an energy amplifier. You should wear it as a jewel or simply carry it with you and hold it somewhere close. This stone improves energy flow and transmission. Clear quartz helps you communicate more efficiently. It increases your capacity to receive and understand messages faster and easier. This crystal is also known for its ability to ease communication with the spiritual realm. It helps you reduce negativity and focus on spirituality.       2. Hematite to Reduce Stress The hematite is usually used by those who need grounding and emotional stability. Its most important trait is the ability to eliminate stress. Hematite is also