
Marriage advice I WISH I’d had

Gerald Rogers was divorced after 16 years of marriage. Recently he wrote an eye-opening, public confession on his blog... my heart goes out to him and I couldn't agree with him more. MARRIAGE ADVICE I WISH I WOULD HAVE HAD by Gerald Rogers Obviously, I'm not a relationship expert. But there's something about my divorce being finalized this week that gives me perspective of things I wish I would have done different... After losing a woman that I loved, and a marriage of almost 16 years, here's the advice I wish I would have had... 1) NEVER STOP COURTING. Never stop dating. NEVER EVER take that woman for granted. When you asked her to marry you, you promised to be that man that would OWN HER HEART and to fiercely protect it. This is the most important and sacred treasure you will ever be entrusted with. SHE CHOSE YOU. Never forget that, and NEVER GET LAZY in your love. 2) PROTECT YOUR OWN HEART. Just as you committed to being the protector of her heart, you must guard your own with the same vigilance. Love yourself fully, love the world openly, but there is a special place in your heart where no one must enter except for your wife. Keep that space always ready to receive her and invite her in, and refuse to let

Spirituality is good for you: 5 reasons why!!

Spirituality is good for you. Yes, truly, it's a fact. Having spiritual meaning or religious belief in your life benefits you in these ways: Health; lower occurrence of major disease - heart problems, cancer etc. Self-care; better nutritional choices and diets. Higher levels of exercise and sustained practice of stress relievers like yoga, meditation, prayer, tai-chi and similar. Emotional & psychological benefits; lower levels of depression, anxiety, sense of meaning and connection protects them from loneliness and bonds them to their community. Self-acceptance; have a sense of meaning and purpose that guides them at all times. They are more confident and active in community - driven by the idea of being of service to others, rather than anything of a self-serving nature. Reward comes from contributing, therefore they are easily able to determine their value in a positive way. Love; feeling loved by 'god' or 'creator' fills and provides the spiritually minded with an unshakeable sense of worth and value and of being loved. Therefore they give more love and draw more back into their lives. Researchers impressed by the health advantages of those with 'faith' assert that we are 'hard-wired' for spirituality.  Meaning, we are born needing to connect to a higher source. Without this connection we have to combat unnecessary self-doubts and fear, combined with a need to 'prove' our worth, that the faithful do not have. Those with faith unite in believing the human journey is a


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