What are the darkest tarot card combinations?
Whilst none of the cards in the tarot can be labelled as dark, and all combinations must be interpreted in the light of the question asked, some cards deal frequently with the more problematic side of human nature and experience.
Which cards would you expect to find in the darkest tarot card combinations?
The cards that are mentioned below are not ‘bad or intrinsically dark cards’. For example, The Hermit is listed below – a card of spiritual journeying, time out, rest and reflection in most interpretations. However, I have put it here, because it is a card that points towards a personal journey usually undertaken alone. The Hermit is included here though, because sometimes people feel they are taking a ‘time out’ or alone not by choice, but by force – a hospital stay, a mental health issue, a falling out with friends, something has occurred that is forcing this on them. Whilst many people crave and even plan for ‘me-time’, ‘spiritual time’ etc, for some time alone is a frighteningly lonely experience.
Cards that may indicate endings, betrayal, sorrow, loss:
- 10 Swords
- 8 Cups
- 5 Cups
- 3 Swords
- 4 Swords
- 8 Swords
- 9 Swords
- 5 Pentacles
- 5 Wands
- The Tower
- The High Priestess
- 3 Swords
- Death
- The Lovers
- The Hermit

Cards that may predict criminal behaviour, loss due to criminal behaviour and, or financial hardship:
- 7 Swords
- The Devil
- The Magician
- 5 Pentacles
- The Moon
- 7 Pentacles
Cards that may foretell mental health issues, addiction, illness, delusion:
- The Moon
- The Devil
- The Hermit
- 4 Pentacles
- 3 Swords
- 5 Swords
- 9 Cups
- 10 Cups
- 5 Wands
- 7 Swords
- 8 Cups

Any mix of the cards listed above are likely to produce some of the darkest tarot combinations, that’s because they are speaking to the life circumstances that are the saddest, scariest or most difficult to overcome.
Think of it like this; I’m going to use the cards to describe a person who is struggling with the ending of a relationship that has unfortunately coincided with a job termination, my ‘person’ is struggling to cope and has a tendency to use alcohol to mask their feelings.
To describe this person, I am going to take a card for loneliness, one for mental health issues, one for deception, addiction and financial hardship, and it’s going to be very bleak. For Example:
Loneliness – the Hermit, mental health – I’ll take 3 swords for depression as a result of a divorce/breakup, deception – 7 swords, addiction – The Devil, and financial hardship 5 pentacles, job termination – 10 Swords.
My dark tarot combination is therefore:
The Hermit, 3 Swords, 7 Swords, The Devil, 5 Pentacles, 10 Swords.
This is not an exhaustive list, but hopefully it’s going to provide some insight into how the cards come together – both in positive and troubling circumstances.

Love this! Could you by chance tell me which tarot deck this is?
Hi Jamie! This is the Gothic Tarot – glad you liked it!!
where can this deck be purchased?
Booktopia!! X