Exercises That Will Increase Your Mental Strength

A lot has been said and written about mental strength. But what does it mean for us, actually? Being mentally strong involves controlling your emotions and thoughts and being able to cope with anything from simple things such as everyday work to risky situations. Everyone wants to be mentally strong, but there are only a few who have the power to achieve it without any effort. I talked to some members of my online community and decided that there are 3 useful things a person can do to increase his/her mental strength and become happier. Reevaluate Your Core Beliefs The first thing you need to do is reevaluate everything you believe in. Often, your core beliefs are set by vague standards. Ask yourself this question: "What do I want? What do I want for myself? What is my professional goal?" After analyzing every answer, you’ll come to find what exactly you want from this life. Maybe you want a house, a spouse, $1.000.000, a stable job, 2 kids and trips to Europe every year. Indeed, we need all these things to be happy, but they don't represent the sole purpose of our existence. We need to get more value into our lives, we need to think more about our spirit. How can we do that? By trying to combine family, fun, money with meditation and discovery of

5 Tips That Help You Achieve Spiritual Balance in Your Life

Our lives have become incredibly busy and stressful, and we not only tend to forget to take care of our health but of our spirit as well. Some are lucky enough to live outside the city, where they can enjoy a little bit of nature, the lack of traffic noise, and the birds singing at their window. In this concrete jungle we live in, our spiritual balance has to suffer, but fortunately, it can be restored with a few simple tips you can start applying today. These tips will also help you become more productive at work, decrease procrastination, and improve your overall well-being. Routines keep you focused One of the biggest challenges in these modern times we're living in is having a routine. By routine, I don't mean brushing your teeth every morning (hopefully, you already do that). Having a routine is much more complex than that. It means being focused, committed, and ambitious. A routine would imply waking up every morning at the same hour, having breakfast, checking your emails and responding to them, and then working on your daily tasks. Surround yourself with likeminded people There comes a time in everyone's life when we decide not to waste our time anymore with people who will consume our energy. We can be influenced by others both in a good and a bad way. In order to

Affirmations & Wisdom for the Soul

Help someone when you can - you might be the only person that does. You can't change what you don't acknowledge. Your naked body should be reserved for those who fall in love with your naked soul. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. Don’t think of cost. Think of value. If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you. Hardship and struggle build character. Overcoming hardship delivers authenticity and meaning to life. Every accomplishment begins with someone trying. Making a person smile changes the world – their world. The only normal people you know are the ones you don’t know very well. Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it. It’s better to be alone than to be lonely in bad company. You choose the life you lead. It's all yours. You either chose it actively, or you choose to passively let it happen to you - either way, it's your creation. Don’t choose the one who is beautiful to the world; choose the one who makes your world beautiful. Falling in love isn't a choice. Staying in love is. Whilst seeking perfection in another, you are blinded to the perfect imperfection of those who would make you truly happy. Never do something permanently foolish just because you are temporarily

Go and Get Giving

Human beings are inherently social creatures. We are hard-wired to make social connections, be community members and support one another. There’s no two ways about it. When we are living in harmony with our ”community” and actively giving to it we are happier more fulfilled beings. When you look more closely at this to see what factors most contribute to the sense of fulfillment, the number one stand out is giving.  Further, it’s not anonymous giving, that delivers us the best results personally. It’s the giving of time, of support, or items that we have had a hand in either creating or collecting or raising funds to purchase. It makes people feel so positive that they seek over and over to repeat the process, and for some people becomes the inspiration that charges their lives. This is an example of the Law of Giving and Receiving which essentially tells us that all energy can be categorized as either giving or receiving energy. This balance of energy is what powers all things in our universe. The more energy you expend in either area, the more that will in turn, naturally flow back to you. “The universe operates through dynamic exchange – giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe.”  – Deepak Chopra explains. Therefore, we see that in our willingness to give that which

35 Affirmations for Positivity

If you believe the phrase you are what you think, then life truly stems from your thoughts. Affirmations help purify our thoughts and restructure the dynamic of our brains so that we truly begin to think nothing is impossible. They empower us, remind us of the beauty within and keep us focused. Here are some beautiful ones for your benefit, shared by Dr Carmen Harra: 1.) I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents. 2.) Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy. 3.) My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil. 4.) I am superior to negative thoughts and low actions. 5.) I have been given endless talents which I begin to utilize today. 6.) I forgive those who have harmed me in my past and peacefully detach from them. 7.) A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with love. 8.) I am guided in my every step by Spirit who leads me towards what I must know and do. 9.) (If you're married) My marriage is becoming stronger, deeper, and more stable each day. 10.) I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful. 11.) (For business owners) My business is growing, expanding, and thriving. 12.) Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and

Is internal conflict the problem?

We all face major opportunities, challenges and changes in our lives. These come up around career, relationship and significant personal and family issues. It's part of everyone's experience. However, it's not always easy for us to know what we should do. Should we change jobs, end that relationship, relocate or invest our money there? Sometimes these decisions seem disproportionately overwhelming. So much so, that you end up unable to make any progress or decision at all. Often times seeking a 'reading' or spiritual insight is helpful. It provides clarity and insight. Helps you to explore options and outcomes and your potential for happiness. But sometimes even with this insight you still feel at a standstill. This is when it's really important to ask yourself whether the real problem is one of internal conflict? Internal conflict is when your desires or goals are not in line with your values or ''needs''. For example; security means everything to you when it comes to your job. To you it guarantees your lifestyle and peace of mind. Yet at the same time, you feel frustrated and stunted in your current role. You feel you should seek a new job, yet you're not able to commit to the idea.... its hard to walk away from what you have. Your underlying value of security is overruling your desire for growth and the possible risk of disappointment. Instead of delivering any clarity your thought process spins for weeks,

Loving Your Self?

All childhood long most of us are taught; ''treat others as you would wish to be treated.'' The majority of us do at try at least half heartedly with this one. But how many of us actually extend it to ourselves? I know many compassionate loving people who give everything they can to others, bending over backwards to support and care for them, and yet they are so mean minded when it comes to themselves, beating themselves up over the merest of trifles and giving nothing, not even kind words or encouragement to themselves. It makes little sense that we treat ourselves so poorly. The thoughts we have, the compassion we extend, and the kindness we show ourselves, determines everything about us. Our thoughts about ourselves, are exactly how we understand and define ourselves. We then go and reflect that understanding to the world, and in so doing, also show the world exactly what we in turn have to offer. This means that the way we treat ourselves and think about ourselves is very powerful stuff. If you're self-perception is lacking or negative, so to will be the people you feel drawn towards. You will not attract your ideal circumstances, experiences, or people, you will gravitate towards those that reflect your own self-concept. We seek out in others what we recognise and feel comfortable within ourselves. Therefore our concept of

Self Love – Be Nice To You

Soulfriends, are you being nice to you ? Treating yourself like a good friend? Have you been kind and understanding to you today? Or have you been running around madly. working hard, squeezing things in and pushing yourself? Did you also have too little sleep? And have you been feeding yourself rubbish food too? Why!?!! Why are we all living this way. Busy-ness is taking over everyone and consuming our identities, and we're all just running around mindlessly. Busyness is the opposite of thoughtfulness, it's how we lose ourselves, miss out on living our lives, become depressed, lose our passion and joy in being alive. The need for stuff becomes consuming and usurps all the goodness from our lives, leaving us with nothing of value... truly the material is never valuable when the emotional life is bankrupt. Who cares how much you have if you have no one to share it with, and no one to love, or your health is compromised, or your mind overwhelmed or depressed? We all need to wake up and start caring again, and treating ourselves with the same care we would a friend. If you would not treat your friend the way you're treating yourself, then there's a problem!! And its time that it was addressed. A really good first step in this direction is just learning to pay attention to your needs again. To listen to

Keys To Happiness

Happiness is a wonderful state to be in, but none of us feel that way all the time. A lot of the time we experience anxiety and depression too. I think it's really useful to decide to see personal resilience as the key to getting thru these harder times. To see the opposite of "happiness" as resilience, not depression, is personally empowering. Resilience: your ability to cope and grow with life's challenges. Emotional resilience needs to be practiced, it is not necessarily your foundational belief. But invest in it and you will see how it begins to build a protective layer of confidence and self-belief around you, one that allows you to believe in you; and also assists in safeguarding you from depressive or potentially overwhelming experiences. Boosting your ability to be resilient are these key practices: 1. Sleep Sleep is crucial for people and I really think we tend to underestimate its importance, thinking that we can all get by with minimal downtime these days. But listen, sleep disturbances bring your mood down and impact severely on your ability to cope with everyday stressors. 2. Diet Everything that we put in our mouth affects our mood. Here are the offenders: nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, white flour, and processed food — you know, what you live on. The best things you can put in your body

Personal Empowerment

I am totally on board with the whole, "you reap what you sew" or "if you do the same thing every day expect the same results," mentality... So for me; it's absolutely the case that my actions create my outcomes, and my thoughts create my reality. If I do not make changes then my problems or worries will never resolve. This means I'm completely responsible for myself and my state. Sounds daunting on one hand, but on the other, it's incredibly empowering. I am in a position to choose the way I live my life. Recognising what is positive and helpful and what is change worthy is all I need to do to start improving my everyday existence. Asking yourself lots of questions and as a result doing things differently puts me (or you) back in the drivers' seat, where we can stop being passive participants in life's journey. Seeing things this way is so empowering, it gives you the freedom to be anyone and achieve or experience anything you want to, everything is possible. So, today, take back control, it's time to start planning how you will change either the problem itself or if you are to do anything about that, then look at how you're going to handle your reaction to this event/circumstance. Choosing your response means choosing your quality of life -

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