The 6th law of Spiritual Success: The Law of Detachment

Today we're onto the Law of Detachment. This is such a good 'law' to get your mind around, in fact its life changing. It's certainly the only reason my life is what it is today. This law or thinking, essentially empowers you to build the life you want. For example, you lose your business, your money is gone, you have nothing left to show... or you get divorced, your life as you knew it is over, you have nothing and must start over, your family are taken from you and you are now on your own and feel no reason to live... this law of detachment helps you to find the meaning within that enables you to build the world without that will nourish you. You are far stronger than you will ever (hopefully) have to realise, know that that strength and capability is there and can be tapped into at all times, that what you can think of, what you can imagine, you can also create. This law says, if you lose everything that is of meaning to you and you have to start all over again with nothing, do it fearlessly, and build your life over again. Having actually been in this situation myself more than once, unfortunately, I can tell you honestly, there is nothing more empowering than realising that no matter