Are you constantly irritated?

Are you constantly irritated? Here are some strategies. “I’m taking this car and moving to Florida!” the elderly man in front of me at the DMV raged. He held up the line for a good 20 minutes, all over a measly $25 fee. I’m sure I wasn’t the only person in line thinking, “By all means, head for that state line… and now.” But you can’t completely blame the guy. Sometimes life triggers what can feels like an endless case of road rage. Even us yogis and meditators aren’t immune from it. Every little thing starts to grate, from the headline in the Washington Post to the #$% convection oven. Woah. If you feel like you are living life in a constant state of irritation, here are a few ways to calm down. 1. Invest in Alone Time A survey done by Durham University showed that regardless of whether people are introverts or extroverts, humans crave time alone to recharge. The top ways people said they could truly relax were reading and spending time in the natural environment. 2. Watch the Caffeine This drug elevates blood pressure, and increases cortisol levels in response to stress. It can also keep you up at night, triggering a cycle of sleeplessness which will also lead to a more irritable state the next day. 3. Try Kava Kava, also