Are you overdue for a reading? Craving ”connection” and guidance, or ready for a tarot top-up?

Now is a great time to get your self prioritized and motivated to make the most of the year ahead. We have the opportunity to recreate ourselves and become ‘new’ again (at least symbolically), with the renewal of the planetary cycle. There’s a blank slate in front of us all and unlimited potential for personal success, so let’s make the most of it!!

How do we do that? We begin with the end in mind. We make choices for ourselves and we commit to them. We keep in mind who we want to be and what we want our lives to look like. We learn to ask ourselves consistently – does this or will this move me closer to what I want to create or achieve. When we approach life this way we align ourselves powerfully. Our creativity, energy and intellectual abilities are focused.

If you want an “extra helping hand” from spirit, and some insight into what the year ahead has for you, book a session with me now. It couldn’t be easier – you don’t even have to leave your armchair to get a new year reading – just book a session here.

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  • Focused on your spiritual connection to creator and universe? Want to communicate with your spirit guides? … all questions welcome and your new year reading will be an open-minded, non judgemental one.

Amber |