How to recognise a Soulmate?

[clear] [/clear]It’s hard to use the term “soulmate”, or think about finding your soulmate, without feeling a bit like you've suddenly swallowed a whole bunch of advertising cock and bull produced to eke your dollars away from you by the world of advertising. But seriously, not only do soulmates exist; all of us have them... and to make it slightly more confusing, we have more than one out there.. And to quote “Annie” (kind of), “A life without soulmates is like a night without stars” — a very dark night indeed. But don’t think because you are single that you’ve been left out of the soulmate phenomenon. It’s limiting to think that merging with your other half must be romantic in nature. Soulmates can be lovers, friends, family, members or even pets. While the universe might help us out in our quest to find them, it’s up to us to make sure we connect with them. Soulmate relationships seem so meant to be that it’s hard to imagine ever not knowing that person once you do. But just to be safe, below are some tips for making sure your soulmates in life don’t pass you by. 1. Instant recognition. Ami met her soulmate best friend 16 years ago on the first week of college when she made a snarky joke and her friend was the only person who laughed. One