Burning Letter Ritual, Healing the Past

Burning Letter Ritual When there has been someone in your life (alive or passed) with whom you have had ongoing and conflicting, upsetting or negative feelings towards, it can be extremely difficult to 'let go' of the emotional wound created - be it, sadness, fear, anger or a mix of all. For your own sake, healing this wound is important - it allows you to go on with your life again, and to no longer be effected by the feelings of the past. It prevents them from shaping or influencing your future choices, instead you have clarity and an unbiased place to make your choices from. For example if someone hurt you in the past. and you're still effected by it, it will shape the way you deal with every situation that is reminiscent of the relationship you had with this person. This is central to Shamanic teachings which emphasize the importance of releasing the old  - that which no longer serves us is old - in order to invite in the new. Letting go of the old negative energies, healing past emotional wounds, creates opportunity to invite in the positive and new. Enabling us to choose what we bring into our lives, rather than struggling to make choices, whilst impaired by the past. A powerful method of healing these feelings is the Burning Letter Ritual: Take all the time you need to write your letter