Two Pentacles

Keywords Evaluation, decision, budgeting, diagnosis Range of Meaning Light: Weighing options. Comparing prices. Determining the value of one option over another. Juggling resources to make ends meet. Making difficult choices based on what's best for your body or your bankbook. Looking at the bottom line. Asking for a second opinion on health issues. Shadow: Engaging in endless price comparison. Putting off a buying decision for fear of finding a slightly better value later on. Buying something without regard for value. Breaking your budget with unnecessary expenses. Engaging in behavior with no regard for how your body or bankbook will be impacted. Correspondences Numerology: 2 The Number Two (2); duality, division, debate. Astrology: Jupiter in Capricorn. Affirmation: "Before taking action, I consider costs." Story The Main Character weighs the impact his or her course of action will have on everyone involved. Advice Relationships What does this relationship cost you? If this relationship were an investment, how profitable would it be? This card extends an invitation to consider the pros and cons of your relationship. Before taking action, consider what you have to gain ... and what you have to lose. Work How well do you balance demands of work and life? Remember: you should be working to live, not living to work. If the job is dominating your schedule, press back. If unfettered playtime is ruining