
Psychic Readings & Time Frames

I always feel sad when people tell me that they've seen many psychics and had many readings and that nothing they were told has transpired. Even worse are those who report that things sadly went very badly, nothing happened as it was 'meant to' happen. It leaves them feeling they've missed out, or somehow failed, and promotes anxiety and despondence. Why do readers predict that things will happen, and seem so sure of it, and then they don't... A psychic told me that X was going to happen on X date (e.g. my boyfriend was going to propose on New Years Eve) and it didn't happen... now I am worried it never will. I've seen so many different readers and they have all told me different time frames for things. I'm so confused. Why is this happening, it does not make any sense? These questions come from a place of pain, frustration and disappointment. I hate seeing people in this state, and hope that the following "explanation" may provide some help in avoiding 'reading disappointment'. So, when you next have a reading, keep in mind the following concepts: Concept One - Time is not Linear The place that spiritual (psychic) information comes from does not operate on a 24 hour time clock, and a 365 day calendar year like we do. Spirit does not go around wearing a watch, checking alarms, marking

Marriage advice I WISH I’d had

Gerald Rogers was divorced after 16 years of marriage. Recently he wrote an eye-opening, public confession on his blog... my heart goes out to him and I couldn't agree with him more. MARRIAGE ADVICE I WISH I WOULD HAVE HAD by Gerald Rogers Obviously, I'm not a relationship expert. But there's something about my divorce being finalized this week that gives me perspective of things I wish I would have done different... After losing a woman that I loved, and a marriage of almost 16 years, here's the advice I wish I would have had... 1) NEVER STOP COURTING. Never stop dating. NEVER EVER take that woman for granted. When you asked her to marry you, you promised to be that man that would OWN HER HEART and to fiercely protect it. This is the most important and sacred treasure you will ever be entrusted with. SHE CHOSE YOU. Never forget that, and NEVER GET LAZY in your love. 2) PROTECT YOUR OWN HEART. Just as you committed to being the protector of her heart, you must guard your own with the same vigilance. Love yourself fully, love the world openly, but there is a special place in your heart where no one must enter except for your wife. Keep that space always ready to receive her and invite her in, and refuse to let

For All Parents

As everyone who has them knows... Young children, from the get-go, are a leading cause of insanity in otherwise 'stable' (term used loosely) people. For all parents who identify; I give you Michael McIntyre. Not a cure, not a how-to, and nothing preachy. The opposite of all the remedies, schools of discipline and every other piece of advice you've ever received. This is empathy and understanding and a reminder that it's not just you .... so please watch, its hilarious. And, if you've seen it already, watch it again. I watch this religiously on 'bad' days (and hang out with my friend alcohol). Any time child-induced heart palpitations rumble, or my brain starts melting - I've got it dialled. This clip is in my phone, my playlists, the spoilt children's iPad's, and everywhere else I can save it to. There's something so comforting in knowing you're not alone... I think? Thanks (so many thanks) to Michael McIntyre Amber |

Soulmate Relationships, a Mixed Blessing …

Soulmates seem to embody the ideal state of love, and just about everyone these days is on the hunt for theirs. They want to connect with their soulmate and in this relationship find a magical intense sense of being in-love, and happy. Ironically though, soul mate relationships are the most complicated, haunting and difficult ones we will ever enter into.  These  relationships are not the idyllic 'happy' pairing of two linked souls… Rather they are the turbulent and passionate meeting of two individuals with great unresolved history (karma) between them and feelings that run so deep that the way they feel about each other, barely make sense, even to themselves. True soul mates enter our lives with an incredible attraction and chemistry. This person is someone we are irresistibly drawn towards, we cannot turn ourselves away, we cannot push them out of our hearts or our minds. They are so familiar to us, they feel so connected, and so powerfully a part of us, that we cannot cut them off. The connection resonates within our soul to the degree that our very happiness seems dependent upon them. This person may not necessarily be our ''type'' - frequently we wonder what it is about them that we fell for in the first place. They may not meet our usual requirements of a partner, or our typical physical preferences,  they may not share

Spirituality is good for you: 5 reasons why!!

Spirituality is good for you. Yes, truly, it's a fact. Having spiritual meaning or religious belief in your life benefits you in these ways: Health; lower occurrence of major disease - heart problems, cancer etc. Self-care; better nutritional choices and diets. Higher levels of exercise and sustained practice of stress relievers like yoga, meditation, prayer, tai-chi and similar. Emotional & psychological benefits; lower levels of depression, anxiety, sense of meaning and connection protects them from loneliness and bonds them to their community. Self-acceptance; have a sense of meaning and purpose that guides them at all times. They are more confident and active in community - driven by the idea of being of service to others, rather than anything of a self-serving nature. Reward comes from contributing, therefore they are easily able to determine their value in a positive way. Love; feeling loved by 'god' or 'creator' fills and provides the spiritually minded with an unshakeable sense of worth and value and of being loved. Therefore they give more love and draw more back into their lives. Researchers impressed by the health advantages of those with 'faith' assert that we are 'hard-wired' for spirituality.  Meaning, we are born needing to connect to a higher source. Without this connection we have to combat unnecessary self-doubts and fear, combined with a need to 'prove' our worth, that the faithful do not have. Those with faith unite in believing the human journey is a

Intention & Manifesting

The beginning of a new year provides a fitting time to reflect on life. What has passed, what 'is' and perhaps more importantly,  to plan, or imagine what will be. This process is called manifesting. Manifesting is a very powerful process, and is the core of all magic workings. In this instance, we're setting ourselves up for success, visualising a blueprint for our lives, or the year ahead, and then actively working at manifesting it throughout the year. Everything we create will be intentional and will result from the blueprint we have put together for ourselves. This is the seed or plan for the desired life we are manifesting for ourselves. Your idea, vision or plan, is the starting place that you build your future upon… from here; everything else becomes possible. There is a lot of hard work, that goes into doing this, it won't just fall in your lap, it requires a 100% commitment from you. But what could be more worthwhile that taking charge of your life path? Good questions to ask yourself are: What do you want or need in your life that you don't have now in order to be happy? Family, Marriage, Career Success, Travel, Freedom, dedication to a cause - whatever it is, write it down. How do you want or need your relationships to look and feel


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