Psychic Intuition – Give yours a workout

People frequently ask me "Can I develop my own Intuitive Abilities?" and, "How can I develop my Psychic Intuition?" Everybody has intuitive gifts, and more and more people are wanting to learn to tap into that side of themselves. There's no magical answer though, because its like every other discipline out there... practice and practice and practice. There are many ways to practice using your intuition. Here's what works for me. I do many readings a day, and I often wonder about my clients, whether their readings have happened yet, or whether things have unfolded as we thought they would. I often have to wait 6 or 12 months, in between seeing my clients before I can find out how their reading unfolded. I am always looking forward to feedback though, and when I get it, I make sure to look at the strengths and weaknesses of what was presented. Looking at how things unfolded, in comparison to how you 'saw' them, is the best way to hone your skills, and make sure you are asking spirit all the questions you need to on behalf of your client. Being a good Intuitive or Psychic is not just about your connection to Spirit. It's also about being a good detective and asking the right questions. If you don't ask for the right information, you may not get it. It's the main