Risotto with Zucchini and Tomato

Ingredients: Olive oil 1 onion, chopped finely Salt 1 cup Arborio rice Wineglass dry white wine 4-5 cups imitation chicken stock, or vegetable stock 1 can chopped/crushed tomatoes 2 zucchini sliced finely Squeeze of lemon Black pepper 1/2 cups fresh parsley chopped finely Method: Heat onion olive oil and salt in a heavy based pan and cook on a low heat until onion is translucent - you don't want the onion to get any colour, just to become soft and mushy. Add the rice and stir for another minute. Add the wine, turn up the heat and let it boil away to nothing. Add a ladle of the stock and stir until its disappeared. Repeat process until half of stock is gone, then add tomatoes, zucchini and lemon if desired. Continue to add stock and stir until rice is tender, but still has substance. Then add parsley and stir through. Serve as is or with cheezly or other cheese substitute if desired. Amber | www.intothesoul.com