Are you constantly irritated?

Are you constantly irritated? Here are some strategies. “I’m taking this car and moving to Florida!” the elderly man in front of me at the DMV raged. He held up the line for a good 20 minutes, all over a measly $25 fee. I’m sure I wasn’t the only person in line thinking, “By all means, head for that state line… and now.” But you can’t completely blame the guy. Sometimes life triggers what can feels like an endless case of road rage. Even us yogis and meditators aren’t immune from it. Every little thing starts to grate, from the headline in the Washington Post to the #$% convection oven. Woah. If you feel like you are living life in a constant state of irritation, here are a few ways to calm down. 1. Invest in Alone Time A survey done by Durham University showed that regardless of whether people are introverts or extroverts, humans crave time alone to recharge. The top ways people said they could truly relax were reading and spending time in the natural environment. 2. Watch the Caffeine This drug elevates blood pressure, and increases cortisol levels in response to stress. It can also keep you up at night, triggering a cycle of sleeplessness which will also lead to a more irritable state the next day. 3. Try Kava Kava, also

Cleanse, Sage, Protect! 7 Tips for Psychic Protection

Psychic Protection – Everyone wants it, everyone needs it! And it's as easy as cleanse, sage, protect!! Here are seven steps to ensure you are safe from psychic attack and resistant to the negative energies that you encounter during your day. This is not hard, or complex, everyone can do it and benefit from at least a few of these steps. This is about using your focus and your will (power) to create the desired outcome. That outcome is protection from the energy of others, to retain a stable and clear aura, and minimize all forms of anxiety and stress. You’ll be able to do all of these without any prior knowledge. So give it a try – you’ve got nothing to lose and a wonderful sense of energy and clarity to attain … SMUDGE AND PURIFY Smudging refers to a process of burning herbs to purify or cleanse unwanted forces, and/or negative energy. This is a relatively simple process, whereby you waft ‘smoke’ into the areas that you wish to cleanse. If you are performing a cleanse for yourself or another person, or an object you will need them to pass through the smoke. This process is a magical one… not a physical one. You do not need billowing smoke, and you do not need to feel choked up or suffocated. You are performing

Scrambled Tofu & Baby Spinach

Super Breakfasts! Scrambled Tofu   Ingredients Olive oil 250 brown mushrooms, or baby mushrooms sliced 450 grams of firm tofu, firm or extra-firm, crumbled 1/2 tsp. smoked paprika (or to taste) 1 tsp. ground cumin sea salt, to taste 1/4 tsp of turmeric couple of handfuls baby spinach 1/4 cup nutritional yeast Handful chopped continental parsley   Optional: Diced tomato Handful pine nuts Sliced spring onions   Method: Gently sauté mushrooms, pepper and garlic in olive oil on low heat until tender. Add the tofu to the pan and stir frequently, if using tomato, add now and stir for another minute or two. Add the spices and baby spinach. Add a teaspoon of water, cover and steam, for one minute. Stir in the nutritional yeast and cook for 2 more minutes until hot throughout. Add pine nuts, parsley or spring onions and season well. Serving Suggestion: Serve your scrambled tofupiping hot in a wrap of your choosing.  

Mexican Salsa

Love your salsa!!?! Brighten up any meal with this salsa. Use as a dip, in your burritos enchiladas, alongside your Mexican rice, as a topping for bruschetta, in your salads or to add a hum to any rice or soup dish. The options are unlimited. Salsa: 8 ripe tomatoes 1/2 large bunch of fresh continental parsley 1 large bunch of fresh coriander 1 purple onion 6-12 slices of pickled jalapeño finely chopped 1 large clove of garlic, finely chopped 1-2 juice from limes, if you can't get limes use lemons extra virgin olive oil red wine vinegar - a splash Himalayan pink salt or sea salt freshly ground black pepper Optional: sweet corn kernels black beans Method: Dice the tomatoes Finely chop fresh herbs Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic and jalapenos (if not already done) Add all to the bowl and combine. Add lime juice and olive oil Season liberally with salt and pepper Toss and serve, or set aside to chill in the fridge until ready to serve.

Super Quick Simple Vegan Pho

Vegan Pho - You'll Need: 2 Litres of your favourite Vegan stock 3 Cups Water 1 Onion 4 Cloves Garlic 3 Star Anise 3 Cloves 3cms approx fresh Ginger 1 Cinnamon Stick Soy Sauce to Taste 1 Package Wide Rice Noodles Firm tofu, diced Wild mushrooms Favorite veggies - carrot, broccoli, Chinese cabbage etc. at least 3 handfuls   On the Side: Thai Basil Vietnamese Mint (add your faves - don't be restricted) Bean Sprouts Soy Sauce Hot Chilli Oil Sliced Red Chillis Mung Bean Sprouts Crushed Nuts Lemon or Lime wedges Method: Dice onion and garlic, slice the ginger into coins. Add the broth, onion, garlic, star anise, whole cloves, ginger, and cinnamon, to a large pot and bring to boil. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Add Soy Sauce - approx 2 tablespoons Stir fry mushrooms, and veggies, for up to 5 minutes. Then and tofu in for the last minute or two Bring a big pot of water to a boil and cook your rice noodles. Follow the package directions. Drain, and rinse with cold water. Remove cinnamon and star anise before serving. If you like this Vegan Pho recipe sign up - there are heaps more to come, and you'll receive our new posts  with love ♥  

How to Understand the Mind Body Connection  

People nowadays tend to think that the mind-body connection is just something that we can take for granted. Most of us can't explain it, but we know it is there. However, in order to be the best you can be, you need to understand exactly how your mind influences your body. There are some simple things which can explain why our minds are so connected to our bodies. But first, let's see where did it all begin. The History of the Mind-Body Connection It all began a long, long time ago. Hippocrates stated that for a good state of the body, you also need to have a strong, healthy mind. It all depends on the balance between your body and your mind, and on your connection to the outside environment. A good example of a mind-body connection is the fight-or-flight response. This was discovered in the 1920s by a Harvard scientist called Walter Cannon, MD. The concept basically represents the capability of your mind to take the decision to fight a crisis situation or to avoid it. But what determines this? The body, which secretes hormones such as epinephrine. These hormones travel through your bloodstream and give you the sense of rush when in a difficult situation. These are basically the ones that influence your decision to either run away from danger or confront it. In the following decade, scientist Hans Selye, MD, made

Stress Relief Methods That Will Help You Clear Your Mind and Relax

Take a deep breath. Relax. If only it were that easy, right? The truth is that modern life makes it harder and harder for us to put our worries aside and slow down. Whether it's work-related stress, relationship problems, or just day-to-day worries, stress has unfortunately become a huge part of our lives. So what can you do about it? Well, there are certain stress relief methods that will help you reduce your stress level and become less tense. Here are some of my favorite ones: Make a List of Things You Are Grateful For Keeping a gratitude journal can help you remind yourself of all the good things in your life, and help you focus on them during difficult times. Whenever you feel positive emotions, take a moment to add something new to your gratitude list. Make sure you take this journal with you wherever you go, especially when you know you have an important event coming up that might affect your stress level.   Relax Your Body to Relax Your Mind When you let your mind become overwhelmed with stress, your body falls under assault as well, and the response is immediate. When you let your mind become overwhelmed with stress, your body falls under assault as well, and the response is immediate. Your muscles tense up, you start to breathe harder, your

Why Being a Spiritual Person Is Good for You

Being able to say what makes a person spiritual or not is a highly difficult task. Spiritualism can be manifested in so many different ways from prayer to yoga or meditation, that it makes it almost impossible to decide which practice is more meaningful than the other. No matter how we define it, the state of being spiritual brings many positive outcomes for a truly spiritual person. Let's look into some of these benefits: As a spiritual person, you are more positive Among the many benefits of being spiritual, this is probably the greatest advantage from both a social and a personal point of view. People who are tightly connected to the realm of spiritualism are more likely to develop positive thinking and see the good side of things. For a spiritual person, it's always better to focus on what is beautiful in life and only acknowledge the negative parts without focusing on them too much. You become wiser when making decisions This is an indirect consequence of spirituality. People who are self-aware of their inner value are also more likely to respect and pay attention to practical matters as well. They make good decisions for both them and those who surround them. For example, they are more inclined to stay away from unhealthy habits like drinking or smoking, and usually avoid any kind of excess. You can overcome obstacles

5 Easy Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life

Many people seek happiness in the material aspects of life. They spend a lot of time and energy pursuing their dreams of owning a bigger house or a more expensive car, unaware that real change comes from within. The truth is that we can only change our environment by changing ourselves first, which is why the key to long-term happiness is to take care of your inner self and build a stronger spiritual life. I know that in the fast-paced society we live in today, it's not always easy to slow down and work on improving your spirituality. That's why I wanted to share with you 5 ways to develop your spiritual side: Be grateful Everybody has something to be grateful for. Whether it's having good health, good friends, or even a good sense of humor, it's important to acknowledge the positive things that are a part of your life. There are a lot of benefits associated with being thankful that can help you change your life for the better. People who are grateful tend to be more resilient to life's disappointments, more focused and more determined. Start every day with a prayer of gratitude and open your heart and mind to welcome a new day. Take responsibility You shouldn't rely on objects or even people to make you happy. Sure, it's important to have people you love

5 Tips That Help You Achieve Spiritual Balance in Your Life

Our lives have become incredibly busy and stressful, and we not only tend to forget to take care of our health but of our spirit as well. Some are lucky enough to live outside the city, where they can enjoy a little bit of nature, the lack of traffic noise, and the birds singing at their window. In this concrete jungle we live in, our spiritual balance has to suffer, but fortunately, it can be restored with a few simple tips you can start applying today. These tips will also help you become more productive at work, decrease procrastination, and improve your overall well-being. Routines keep you focused One of the biggest challenges in these modern times we're living in is having a routine. By routine, I don't mean brushing your teeth every morning (hopefully, you already do that). Having a routine is much more complex than that. It means being focused, committed, and ambitious. A routine would imply waking up every morning at the same hour, having breakfast, checking your emails and responding to them, and then working on your daily tasks. Surround yourself with likeminded people There comes a time in everyone's life when we decide not to waste our time anymore with people who will consume our energy. We can be influenced by others both in a good and a bad way. In order to

How Can You Achieve the Perfect Mind-Body Balance?

How Can You Achieve the Perfect Mind-Body Balance? Everything in this world is interconnected, so when we do something that affects our mind, it will ultimately have an impact on our body as well. Every thought, every emotion we experience will cause a reaction in our body. Mind-body balance can be achieved if we establish a dialogue between our mind and our body. In order for them to function correctly, they need to be able to connect to one and the other. These tips are going to restore the balance between mind and body so that they'll communicate more efficiently and you'll become a healthier person.     Meditation Meditation is well known for quieting the mind, decreasing stress, making people more calm and relaxed. It also has numerous benefits when it comes to health problems, such as hypertension, anxiety and even depression. Meditation will give you amazing results if you practice it regularly for a couple of months. You may find it hard at first to quiet your mind, but as soon as you'll start seeing the smallest changes in your life, you won't want to stop. Exercise regularly Exercise can help your mind-body balance in so many ways. Most people choose to be physically active because they either want to lose weight, build muscle or get more fit. But exercising has many more benefits than just

The Spiritual Benefits of Going for Psychic Readings

Have you noticed how many people are taking an interest in psychic readings nowadays? And it's not just your average Joe. Prominent business owners are also doing it. Why? Because readings can actually help you run your business better. Simply put, these readings are tied in with basic intuitive skills that, if developed, can help you make better decisions and increase productivity. I can actually help you out with that, as I know about life coaching and intuitive skills in general. Not only can I give you great advice, but I can also provide you with a reliable business, career or finance reading. However, psychic readings go beyond just the mere physical world. They also offer plenty of advantages when it comes to spirituality: The psychic can provide you with useful, personal information A quality psychic will have no trouble getting in touch with your spiritual guides. Sure, you could try to do it on your own, but you would have no guarantee that it would be successful. Psychic readings can help you achieve this. Not only will you get to see what useful advice your spiritual guides have to offer, but you might also learn how to better communicate with them in the long run. All you have to do is trust the psychic and follow their instructions. Plus, if you have any fears regarding the lack

Healing Emotional Pain – Gabor Mate

Gabor Mate puts it to us that the society we live in, has become one that magnifies the difficulty of navigating traumatic painful experiences and emotional distress. He points to the prevailing attitude that a quick fix is best. If you are in pain, if you feel down you are encouraged to seek distractions, keep busy, soldier on and failing that, take a handful of pills. The message we are given is that it is shameful to feel pain. That mental health issues are shameful and that it is not okay, to be not okay. Therefore we must deny our experience, and put great effort into being who we are not. One could be cynical and suggest there are economic drivers for this approach, as those who soldier on do not become 'burdens on society' or government funding. Lending support to the theory that today's approach to mental health is an economically driven one, is Lord [Richard] Layard's, "Action for Happiness" Initiative, a British program, that receives government funding to aid it in spreading the message that painful emotions can be managed by a one size fits all approach. In this case, Layard's theory is that there is no need to be anything but happy and in adopting his "10 Keys to Happiness" one and all can successfully avoid emotional pain, and becoming a burden upon

Toxic Shame

Unlike ordinary shame, “internalized shame” hangs around and alters our self-image. It generally lies beneath our conscious awareness, but can easily be triggered, for some it is the underlying theme upon which their entire identity is built - a shame-based identity. Characteristics of Toxic Shame Toxic shame differs from ordinary shame, which passes in a day or a few hours, in the following respects: It can hide in our unconscious, so that we’re unaware that we have shame. When we experience shame, it lasts much longer. The feelings and pain associated with shame are of greater intensity. An external event isn’t required to trigger it. Our own thoughts can bring on feelings of shame. It leads to shame spirals that cause depression and feelings of hopelessness and despair. It causes chronic “shame anxiety” — the fear of experiencing shame. It’s accompanied by voices, images, or beliefs originating in childhood and is associated with a negative “shame story” about ourselves. We needn’t recall the original source of the immediate shame, which usually originated in childhood or a prior trauma. It creates deep feelings of inadequacy. Shame-Based Beliefs The fundamental belief underlying shame is that “I’m unlovable — not worthy of connection.” Usually, internalized shame manifests as one of the following beliefs or a variation thereof: I’m stupid. I’m unattractive (especially to a romantic partner). I’m a

Affirmations & Wisdom for the Soul

Help someone when you can - you might be the only person that does. You can't change what you don't acknowledge. Your naked body should be reserved for those who fall in love with your naked soul. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. Don’t think of cost. Think of value. If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you. Hardship and struggle build character. Overcoming hardship delivers authenticity and meaning to life. Every accomplishment begins with someone trying. Making a person smile changes the world – their world. The only normal people you know are the ones you don’t know very well. Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it. It’s better to be alone than to be lonely in bad company. You choose the life you lead. It's all yours. You either chose it actively, or you choose to passively let it happen to you - either way, it's your creation. Don’t choose the one who is beautiful to the world; choose the one who makes your world beautiful. Falling in love isn't a choice. Staying in love is. Whilst seeking perfection in another, you are blinded to the perfect imperfection of those who would make you truly happy. Never do something permanently foolish just because you are temporarily

Psychic Protection

Psychic Protection - Everyone wants it, everyone needs it! Here are seven steps to ensure you are safe from a psychic attack and resistant to the negative energies that you encounter during your day. This is not hard, or complex, everyone can do it and benefit from at least a few of these steps. This is about using your focus and your will (power) to create the desired outcome. That outcome is protection from the energy of others, to retain a stable and clear aura, and minimize all forms of anxiety and stress. You'll be able to do all of these without any prior knowledge. So give it a try - you've got nothing to lose and a wonderful sense of energy and clarity to attain ... Smudging and Purifying - Smudging refers to a process of burning herbs to purify or cleanse unwanted forces, and/or negative energy. This is a relatively simple process, whereby you waft ‘smoke’ into the areas that you wish to cleanse. If you are performing a cleanse for yourself or another person, or an object you will need them to pass through the smoke. This process is a magical one… not a physical one. You do not need billowing smoke, and you do not need to feel choked up or suffocated. You are performing a ritual, it is the presence


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